Asmodeus Character in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Asmodeus (Az-mo-day-us)

The Prince of Hell, Lord of Lies, the Banished One

Asmodeus is an arch-devil and is the prince of the Nine Hells; a nether world where the souls of evil mortals, or those who have willingly surrendered their immortal soul in exchange for power are tortured for all eternity. Asmodeus was one a god who dwelled in The Divine Isles but was banished for defying the will of his father and ruler of the gods, Primus.

Divine Domains

Formerly Law, Strategy, and Cunning. But as an arch-devil he lost all his divine power and influence. He is truly the lord of lies and deceit, for there is none better in all the realms, but he cannot grant powers to his followers and cultists through their devotion, such as a god can,

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Asmodeus seeks to trick, cajole, fool, and bargain with mortals for their soul. He creates an offer to greedy, desperate and sometimes even unsuspecting mortals to signing a contract forfeiting their soul upon death to the Nine Hells in exchange for their earthly desires. He is the lord of lies and practices deceit at all times. He uses his gifted tongue to tempt mortals into signing the fiendish contract and selling their immortal soul into damnation for eternity. Asmodeus, and his other arch-devils, torture and corrupt these primordial essences of once living beings to gain enough power to eventually conquer the world, and then attack the the gods of The Twelve in the The Divine Isles.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Centuries after his banishment, Asmodeus's form began to be corrupted by the negative and evil power of Hell. His true appearance is now that of a feindish devil over thirteen feet tall with blood-red skin, a mouth filled with sharp teeth, two horns sitting upon his brow, a tail, and cloven hooves for feet. But Asmodeus appears to mortals in many forms, such as a tall, well tailored, handsome, Humansmale with reddish skin and two small horns protruding from his brow.

Before his banishment to the Nine Hells by Primus, he was the god of law, strategy, and cunning. In his divine form, he appeared as a very handsome man with blonde hair and beard. He was well muscled and wore a golden breastplate and vambraces


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Asmodeus was the son of the gods Primus and Prospera. He was awarded dominion over law, cunning, and strategy and was created to join forces with the rest of his divine family in their war against the eldritch Nameless Ones for control over the Material Realm.

During the cosmic war, Asmodeus was seeking anything he could use to gain advantage over his enemies, and upon exploring the molten river, Infernus, he found a door to the nether-realm known he called the Nine Hells.

The evil creatures that dwelled there showed the god the power to be gained from taking a mortal soul. In exchange for this power, the devils made Asmodeus agree to let all the mortal souls that would perish be sent to the Nine Hells and given to the vile creatures. Asmodeus agreed.

Asmodeus absorbed all the souls that wandered the Endless Sea. Now flush with power, he returned to his father Primus and told him of his discovery and his newfound strength. Asmodeus revealed that he would betray his word to the devils and that the gods of the Twelve should reap the souls of the mortals for themselves.

Primus was furious that his son, who the other gods suspected was the Shining One's favorite, would consort with such evil, vile beings, let alone strike a bargain with them that Asmodeus had no intention on keeping. Asmodeus would fight against the Nameless Ones though Primus forbade it, but was instrumental in sending the monsters to the Hell's parallel world, the Abyss.

Asmodeus reveled in his triumph and now believed himself powerful enough to sieze control of his fellow gods. He staged a short lived coup against Primus, whom he considered weak for his protection of the pathetic mortals below. The battle was short lived as Primus stripped Asmodeus of his divinity and banished him to the Nine Hells, the realm his son seemed so fascinated with, for all eternity.

Personality Characteristics


Asmodeus undertakes lengthy and complex plans, often requiring hundreds or thousands of years to see fruition, and encompassing the scope of the entire multiverse. His goals include retaining his position of power, defeating demons and the good gods and their mortal followers, and seeking to regain his godhood. His true goal is known to practically no-one, but by undermining faith in the gods and absorbing the souls of non-believers, he plans to regain enough strength to escape the Hells and overthrow the gods of The Twelve and conquer the Divine Isles, which could ultimately bring the destruction of the entire cosmology

Virtues & Personality perks

Asmodeus is soft-spoken, articulate, and confident. He is never flustered; even if taken by surprise, he behaves with the calm certainty of someone who is always multiple steps ahead of his opponents. He is respected by all the archdevils, and though seek to overthrow him, few have the courage or ability to do so.


Asmodeus is the Lord of the Nine Hells and that realm's most powerful arch-devil. Still surging with power from the souls he had stolen from The Endless Sea during the War of Dominion at the beginning of time, Asmodeus was strong and powerful enough to usurp control of the nether-realm from the other arch-devils that ruled there. After establishing himself as the Lord of Hell, he organized the devils into his plan to begin corruping mortal life so they may forfeit their souls upon death instead of ascending to the Divine Isles.

Asmodeus as the former god of strategy, cunning, and law
Divine Classification
Related Myths

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