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Chapter VI: Fight At The Flagon And The Crow

The 13th of Firedawn in the year 3250 C.R.

General Summary

...the man known as Farrakhan Al-Hakeem took the coin from Theolin Windsplitter's hand. He smiled wryly and asked, "How is that one-eyed cutpurse?"

Farrakhan gestured for the band of adventurers to sit at his table. He bellows to Bertio, the bartender, to pour four tankards of ale and a glass of Farrakhan's favorite wine. A barmaid brought the drinks to the table, and when asked what has happened in Oathheath, Farrakhan confirms Holly Huldane's story. A curfew is in effect and began at nightfall. Farrakhan then said to the heroes,

You must have sought me out wanting information or a boon, for that is the reason most desire an audience with me. I do not offer such things freely, for everything has a price. The coin from my homeland, given to you by my good friend Hazim, has purchased you one piece of information. Anything you else beyond that that you inquire, will cost you something valuable, as information and knowledge are the only true currency.

Mandrakus asks if he knows what happened to the once Baron, Vanth Blackwulf. Farrakhan said to the priest that what he was about to tell them was no mere rumor, for he had quite a reliable source for the origin of this tale;

Vanth Blackwulf set out to the Ruins of Celinad. When the cataclysm happened the then ruling Baron Klain Blackwulf took his remaining men and helped those who were still leaving evacuate the city, and then he and his men rode swiftly to Celinad to defend the Imperial Throne. Young Vanth seeks the sword Gaurwaith, elvish for “Wolf Man,” a powerful relic crafted and given to the second Baron of Oathheath by the royal Imperial wizard, Rassilon. Vanth believes finding and wielding this sword will stir his people to revolt against his despot uncle, Zayne Highmoor and the Black Talon.

Farrakhan revealed his source was one of the members of Vanth's expedition, a soldier-now Freedom Rider named Ariton. Farrakhan concluded the tale by saying the expedition had failed, and that the rest of the expedition were dead, killed by a massive wall of eldritch fire. Blackwulf was the last person he had seen alive as the Baron was running for cover, and then Ariton himself lost consciousness. He goes on to reveal that he did not know if Vanth was still alive or dead, all he can recall for sure is that Vanth was the only person besides himself to survive the assault. Farrakhan told the group that Ariton was safely hidden and under his protection, and he would not reveal the survivor's whereabouts for fear of Ariton being found by the Black Talon.

The adventurers consulted their old atlas of Galador and began making plans how best to travel to the ruins. Mandrakus traded a mage's spellbook with Farrakhan for knowledge of the region, particularly the Ruined Lake and the Black River.

Then a patrol of Black Talon mercenaries enter the tavern. They looked around the tavern's taproom and spied the table with the five people sitting there. A man who was apparently the squad leader tells them that the establishment is closed due to martial law and that they are breaking curfew.

Farrakhan tells the mercenary that he is the proprietor of the establishment and that the other four are his guests and they are simply enjoying the hosipitality of The Flagon and Crow. He bids the soldiers to take a table and tells Bertio to bring the sellswords drinks on the house. The men in black armor and cloaks cheer and take seats, but the squad leader remains standing, continuing to eye the group of five men suspiciosuly.

Farrakhan told the group to act naturally, that he will provide entertainment momentarily and as the sellswords hopefully become drunk and distracted, the adventurers could slip away unseen. The Zylistanni man clapped his hands, and two beautiful young women wearing sheer silk billowing gowns and veils came dancing from the back room behind the bar. One is played a lute with exotic sounding melodies from a far away kingdom filled the air, and the other began dancing exotically and seducitvely for the men in black. The women's rich, light brown skin and complexion, their eyes (being the only visible thing on their faces), and their silky, raven-black hair are the only clues that these two women could be related.

Farrakhan revealed to the heroes that those women are his twin daughters, Serah and Salah, and they would keep the revelry high for the mercenaries and ply them with drink until their wits are no longer about them. But minutes pass, and the Black Talon squad leader and a suboridinate being walking over to the adventurer's table. The higher ranking sellsword began insulting Farrakhan with slurs directed towards the Zylistanni man's ethnicity and homeland. When the leader saw that Duvall was also not of fair skin, he hurled insults at him as well.

The five men attempted to wait out this verbal onslaught until a shriek was heard coming from the other table. One of the Black Talon had grabbed a daughter of Farrakhan that was dancing for them and pulled her onto his lap and attempted to force himself on her. The heroes moved slightly to intervene, but Farrakhan grabbed the arm of Duvall and gently pulled him back inot his seat. The squad leader and Allistar however, turned towards the commotion and both spied one of the girls pulling a very slim, curved dagger hidden within a silken scarf. The squad leader put his hand on the hilt of this longsword and Allistar brandished his weapon as well, and the fight began.

Not a minute passes before the Black Talon patrol is felled by blade and spell. Much to Farrakhan's relief all of the sellswords were dead, and an alarm could not be sounded; no warning given. Now the group must figure out what their next move would be...

Character(s) interacted with

Bertio, Bartender of The Flagon and Crow
Lheesia, barmaid of The Flagon and Crow and Bertio's wife
Farrakhan Al-Hakeem
Four Black Talon mercenaries and their squad leader


Farrakhan's daughters, Serah and Salah.
Report Date
07 Jul 2024

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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