Theolin Windsplitter Character in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Theolin Windsplitter

Theolin Windsplitter

The child was born to parents too weak to protect their only son. He only knew life on a farm where they specialized in cultivating a better, more obedient slave. The boy never spoke a word beyond age 3 after witnessing a fellow orphan have his tongue removed for "insubordination" by the shrew that ruled us with an iron fist, leathery as it may be. He was sold at age 7 in a market to an unlikely patron, a pirate with distain for the shrew and anyone who trafficked in children. Captain Orledyn Radorath who generally would not have crossed the path to spit on the woman witnessed

Age: 33 Gender: Male Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown Skin Tone/Pigmentation: Light Bronze Height: 6'1 Weight: 175 lbs.

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