Crucible Of Freya: Epilogue Report in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Crucible Of Freya: Epilogue

General Summary

The four heroes heroes left the delapitated tower of the wizard Eralion after routing the orc raiding party that occupied the former stronghold, as well as destroying the undead shadow of the tower's former master, the wizard himself, Eralion. Returning from the path through the woods that led them to the tower, the three adventurers-Eisenheim, Theolin, and Mandrakus, as well as Lauriel met with the guardsman they left with the horses waiting on the main road. With the Crucible of Freya already on its way back to Fairhill, the warriors rode off, making their way back to the village.   The adventurers arrive mere hours before dawn. They are met by Shandrill, Baran, and Arlen. Shandrill holds the Crucible of Freya out before them and thanks them for rescuing the village's sacred artifact and saving the Ritual of Good Harvest. They have been awarded free lodging at the Drunken Cockatrice and have been invited to attend the ritual and the festival that happens afterward. The three adventurers adjourn to their rooms to rest and choose to skip the ritual iself, but attend the festival afterwards.   Meanwhile, a halfling traveller named Star was awakened by the bells clamor from the night before. He ran from the stable in which he had snuck into for rest, and rushed into the village to assist the the village council and Fairlhill's inhabitants in quenching the fire at Shandrill's temple to Freya. Though the attempt to extinguish the fire had failed, the Cruicble of Freya had returned hours later by a lone guardsman. Star had overheard that something called the Ritual of Good Harvest was going to take place at dawn regardless of the smoldering ruins the temple had become. The halfling made friends quickly amongst the villagers and Shandrill herself, as his cherubic face and hopeful demeanor brought cheer to those who had lost some hope.   The ritual took place at dawn, and Star not only observed but participated repeating the chants and prayers uttered by Fairhill's villagers. After the ritual was deemed a success by the priestess, Shandrill, the traditional celebratory festival began. Tables and carts loaded with goods lined the storefronts. Kegs of ale were opened and the brew flowed freely. The smell of booze and the sounds of a party roused the exhausted Theolin, and the warrior stumbled into the village fairway to join in the celebration, while Mandrakus sought out Shandrill to entreat the elf to divulge the secrets of the magic items they had recovered (see list below).   Esienheim returns the sowrd Valkyria to Shandrill. Shandrill then bequeaths the magical sword to Lauriel, and annoints the elven warrior as the new paladin in service to Freya. Lauriel decided to thank Theolin personally for saving her life and saving Fairhill as well in a very intimate manner. Hesitant at first, Theolin eventually sucummbed to the beautiful elven woman's charms. Star found the dark and brooding countenance of Mardrakus curious and tried to strike up a conversation with the cleric, but the Black Bishop rebuffed the halfling's attempts at being friendly.   The festival carried long into the night and everyone eventually wandered into a bed, some not necessarily their own. Mandrakus, Eisenheim, and Theolin decided to resume making way to Oathheath not long after daybreak on the morrow. At early morning's light the three prepared for a surely wonderful breakfast as prepared by the Drunken Cockatrice's proprietor and cook, the sturdy Glarian. The halfing Star overheard the three making their plans for travel to the eastern city, which was also his destination, as it was oddly enough the same reason Mandrakus decided to travel with the warrior and the catfolk. The agreed that he could come along but could not slow them down.   A final stranger approached their table. It was the curiously odd and jovial man from Zylistan that called himself Hazim. He had information about Oathheath he felt he should share. The baron of Oathheath, a young noble named Vanth Blackwulf had been deposed as the ruling lord, usurped by his uncle. The usurper, Zayne HighMoor, has hired a force of mercenaries to solidfy his coup and position of baron. The young Vanth had taken his most loyal men and fled to the wilderness outisde Oathheath. Hazim informed the quartet that they will have to sneak into the city as no one was allowed entry through Oathheath's gates. He gave them a strange gold coin which he said was the currency of his native Zylistan. Hazim next bade them to make their way to the Coin District once inside the city and find the Flagon and Crow, an inn in a rougher quarter of the district. He further instructed that once inside seek out a Zylisatnni man named Farrakhan, and hand him the gold coin with the message, "Hazim sends his regards and bids him good tidings." Then Farrakhan should be willing to relinquish any information that he possesses related to the adventurer's quest.   The sun rises high as the heroes begin to embark on their journey...

Rewards Granted

  • Staff of Eralion-This is the staff of the mage Eralion, who's attempt at becoming a lich failed and was cursed as an undead shadow trapped in his crypt for eternity. The staff is made of Darkwood with an amber gem set in one end. Upon uttering the word "Eralion"[//i], the staff casts Light in a large blast template focused on the caster only. The effect lasts for one hour and can be used 3 times a day. The second power of the staff is upon uttering the elven word for feather, "Getharme", Telekinesis is cast on the caster only and may only be used to slow the descent of a fall or plummet, instantly changing the rate at which the targets fall to a mere 60 feet per round (equivalent to the end of a fall from a few feet), and the subjects take no damage upon landing while the spell is in effect. However, when the spell duration expires, a normal rate of falling resumes. This power may be only used once a day and its effects last for one minute (10 rounds).
  • Ancient Spellbook-A spellbook filled with a number of spells for the Novice and Seasoned arcane spellacaster. The spells included in this tome are: Acid Arrow (N), Anti-Magic Field (n), Bear's Endurance (n), Blur (n), Charm Person (n), Frostbite (n), Haste (n),, Mage Armor (n), Magic Weapon (n), Dimension Door (s), Enlarge Person (s), Flesh To Stone (s), Ice Storm (s), Teleport (s)
  • Manual Of Zombie Creation-A tome bound in a strange leather. It contains the Create Zombie spell.
  • Coins, Gems, and Jewelry-276 gp, 2007 sp, 1567 cp, eight gems of 25 gp value and six pieces of jewelry valued at 150 gp total.
  • Potion Of Gentle Repose-This potion preserves the remains of a dead creature, so they don’t decay. Additionally, this spell makes transporting slain (and thus decaying) comrades less unpleasant. This spell also works on severed body parts and the like.
  • Scroll of Restoration-This spell removes any magical or supernatural effects reducing one of the subject’s Attribute scores. It also grants the subject reprieve from any fatigue they are currently suffering.
  • Magical Bracers- The barcers that the shadow of Eralion wore. They materialzed into solid matter upon its destruction. The bracers provide Armor +2 not stackable with worn armor.

Character(s) interacted with

Lieutenant of the Fairhill Guard Lauriel   Shandrill   Prince of Thieves Hazim el-Zaman   Arlen Mangold, Magistrate of Fairhill   Baran Cragbrow, Captain of the Fairhill Guard
Report Date
20 Jul 2023
Primary Location
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Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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