Lumenian Ethnicity in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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The Lumenians are generally a tad shorter than their Galador neighbors, but with darker features, and a somewhat darker skin tone. Some are dark enough to be described as "olive complected." Their hair color ranges from a dark brown/chestnut to raven-black. Their eye color is also typically dark brown or black, and they have narrow facial features.​

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Teglia, Mina, Maria, Nina, Lagia, Geza, Avina, Andetta, Ananza, Zetta​

Masculine names

Liotto, Sine, Bricio, Frete, Tacchi, Buono, Adin, Tago, Giotto, Novio​

Family names

​Liotto, Sine, Bricio, Frete, Tacchi, Buono, Adin, Tago, Giotto, Novio​


Major language groups and dialects

​See Humans . the Lumenian main language is Trade, with their accent being very staccato sounding, including words ending in vowel sounding syllables (think Italian accent)
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Encompassed species

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