Humans Species in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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During the over 2400 year reign of the Empire of Celinad, all the lands west of the Drakor Mountains and south of the Trackless Snows, the Empire of Celiad was broken up into 3 main principalities; Galador, Vaszkysa, Lumene', with the Jarl of Brondheim to the North swearing fealty to the Silver throne. While loyal to the Silver Throne, they resisted the unification that happened with the other principalities of the Empire, and kept their bloodlines mostly free of intermingling with their Soutnern neighbors. They were also able to kept their own way of life mostly intact as well, therefore preserving their own language and religion.After the collapse of Celinad, Brondheim swiftly claimed their independence again and returned to their ways of raiding, pillaging, and warfare. The other 3 principalities: Galador, Lumene', and Vaszkysa formed their own independent kingdoms during the "Days Of Death and Fire."

Humans made up the vast majority of the population of the Empire, and in the last 800 years since the fall of the Empire. The people of Vaszkysa (think Eastrern Europe/Western Asia) have a lightly ruddy complexion and speak with thick, harsh accents. The people of Lumene' (a melding of Italy and Greece) have a slightly olive complexion, darker hair, and their accent being different as well. The appearance of the citizens of Galador vary the most it seems, with their accent not as harsh or as exotic as the other two. The Isles of Dornica was the fourth land under Imperial rule, but when Celinad fell; the islands were largely forgotten and over time became settled by pirates, smugglers, and criminals. The native Dornicans, and their language, religion, and all but the most sacred of traditions, have been colonized nearly to extinction.

Only the exotic, southern kingdom of Zylistan stayed free from Imperial rule. It is theorized that never bending the knee to the Emporer is why the kingdom seems so alien to northern eyes; they were not under the pressure to join the homogenization of the principalities of the Empire of Celinad. Therefor, the people of Zylistan have dusky skin and hair as black as ink, a religion different from the gods worshiped to the north and their own royal language. Their cities and architecture look vastly different, again "alien" to some, compared to the kingdoms north of them.​

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Cheekbones may be high or broad, noses aquiline or flat, and lips full or thin; eyes range wildly in hue, some deep set in their sockets, and others with full epicanthic folds.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Trade/Imperial was the royal language throughout the former Empire. It is the main language of the four former principalities turned independent kingdoms; Galador, Vaszyska, Lumene, and Dornica. Brondheim, while formerly a loyal kingdom, kept their native language of Northerner alive. Zylistan also has their native language of Zylistanic, but Trade is spoken throughout their nation as well.


It is said that the earliest of humans came from the primordial beings that were once slaves to the ancient, other-worldly Nameless Ones; given free will and their bodies changed to survive the new world brought about by the War for Diminion by Primus, god of the sun and leader of The Twelve. These primeaval humans banded together and formed the First Tribe of Men as they wandered the western part of the land that would become known as The Silver Shores. While savage beings at first, they began to form basic civilizations and settle the vast land that loomed before them. Primus instilled within his creations a thirst for knowledge, power, and exploration. The ability and desire to reproduce more rapidly than the other species created by his fellow gods, gave the humans an edge in conquering the land. When the barbaric leader of the First Tribe slew a silver dragon gone mad, his followers and descendents founded what would become the Celinadian Empire that would reign over the Silver Shores for over two millennia. The humans would drive the Elves, Dwarves, and Halflings deeper into their own settlements and going to war with the savage races such as the goblins and the orcs for territory.
Make sure and pick a kingdom of origin or ethnicity if you are playing a human. Otherwise, use the character creation rules for a Variant Human found in the Player's Handbook.
Genetic Descendants
70 Years
Average Height
Average Weight
130-185 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their physical characteristics are as varied as the world’s climes. From the dark-skinned tribesmen of the southern continents to the pale and barbaric raiders of the northern lands, humans possess a wide variety of skin colors, body types, and facial features. Generally speaking, humans’ skin color assumes a darker hue the closer to the equator they live. At the same time, bone structure, hair color and texture, eye color, and a host of facial and bodily phenotypic characteristics vary immensely from one locale to another.
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Articles under Humans

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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