Northmen Of Brondheim Ethnicity in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Northmen Of Brondheim

Northmen, or Northeners, come from a cold, harsh land. Therefore Northmen are a large, tough, and often warlike race. Not just big in stature, they have been described as "long-skulled" and typically with blonde, brown, or red hair and light colored eyes. The Northmen mostly co-exist with the Northern Dwarves, and there cultures have mixed somewhat with Northmen also cultivating their beards like their dwarven neighbors.​

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Allkag, Gega, Isisg, Thorfra, Ridga, Inleid, Sigra, Thilda, Laga

Masculine names

​Gizer, Thori, Gudle, Hori, Nefi, Svide, Golfi, Kamke, Thorgi, Snorri​

Family names

Northmen do not possess family names, but rather their surnames are "son/daughter of...".​


Major language groups and dialects

​A Northman speaks Trade and Notherner for free. Northerner has become a mix of dwarven and ancient Brondheim. Northmen have no written language of their own and have adopted the dwarvish runic symbols as their own.​

Common Myths and Legends

The Northmen of Brondheim venerate a pantheon of deities seperate from The Twelve. Their gods are tough and warlike, much like the Northmen themselves. ​ This pantheon of gods are called The Aesir by the humans and dwarves of Brondheim.
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Encompassed species

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