Tavik Character in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Warlock of Orcus Tavik

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tavik is not as tall as most half-orcs, but thick, corded muscles run throughout his entire body.

Body Features

Green mottled skin like many Half-Orc people.

Facial Features

Tavik has filed the small tasks that jutted from his lower jaw down, and indeed all his teeth filed to sharp, jutting points.

Special abilities

Tavik possesses magical power from, what he claims, selling his soul to the demon-prince of the undead, Orcus. He can enchant his spiked black-iron mace with blazing hellfire and even send it to attack his foes, controlling it with possible mental commands. Tavik can also erupt gouts of abyssal flame from his hands, and his visage may send a magical fear to assail his foes.

Apparel & Accessories

Tavik wears a black hooded cloak with the hood often pulled up over his head. He adorns a black hauberk and a demonic skull chestpiece made of obisidian metal covers his chest and acts as a breasplate.His legs are covered by black leather armor as well.

Specialized Equipment

Tavik carries a nasty and crudely forged spiked mace made of black iron.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Tavik accompanied an orc raiding party deep into Galador into the villaigw of Fairhill, where he was defeated by Theolin Windsplitter and his companions. His slain body seemingly disappeared into nothingness leaving only his black cloak and a patch of scorched earth acoompanied by the smell of brimstone.

Morality & Philosophy

Tavik worships nothing save death, depravity, and destruction. He has formed a pact with the demon prince, Orcus, and acts as his self-appointed "herald." Tavik believes that life exists to solely feed the undead, both in number and power. He currently does Orcus's bidding in an effort for Orcus to escape his home in the Abyss and come to the Material Plane. Tavik hopes that Orcus spreads death and decay throughout the world, and that the demon prince will reward him with immortality, or even ascend him into god-hood, once Orcus himself ascends to true divinity.

Personality Characteristics


Becuase of Tavik being shunned and outcast by human and orc alike when he was but a small child, Tavik has become pure hate and evil. He hopes to aid The Shadow Convenant in their plot to bring Orcus to the Material Plane and therefore ending all life. He hopes to be rewarded with lich-like immortality at the least, and ascension to godhood at the most once Orcus has completed his plan to become a god.


Contacts & Relations

Tavik is an "advisor" to the orc tribe known as the Bloody Eye. He has formed an alliance with the orcs, acting as their "shaman" and turning them away from their veneration of their savage god, and towards an uneasy fear and worship of the demon prince, Orcus. He uses orc warriors from the tribe as his bodyguards, and personal envoys, and he in turn uses his magicks and his smarts to aid the Bloody Eye's war-chief in raids on human villages and settlements, as well as rival orc tribes.

Religious Views

Tavik hates the Twelve, in fact all forms of true divinity. He has a pact with Orcus, prince of demons and lord of the undead. He seeks to bring Orcus to the Material Plane, where he can reign down wanton death and destruction and ascend to godhood.


Tavik has a gravelly, growly voice. It is in a lower register. He speaks very deliberately and he is quite articulate, especially as far as half-orcs are concerned.
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
3217 C.R. 33 Years old
Orange with yellow irises.
Long, black and oily hair pulled back into a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale green.
260 lbs

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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