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Dwarven Airship

V2 Ships come in two varieties talk about em.
  Aether Ship. Sail ship?
  Slag Ship - using a slag turbine engine
  desalinators- take cloud water and make it drinkable.
  condensor gils - redirect cloud vapor past cold pipes to collect the water (also allows for harvesting of salt for cooking)
  organ - in turbine ships
  supplementary engine (name) - burns aether? uses aether crystal? some other source for additional speed in a turbine ship.
  guyver invention: Crystal eyeglasses (rename) filter clouds and see through them provided the air is still - they require 'focusing' to account for the amount of vapor, which changes in turbulent airs.               V1 Dwarven Airships   Dwarven airships float using balloons of Aether. These baloons are constructed out of <rubber metal> that can be compacted through [electricity? mechanical cranks!] in order to raise the ship.   Hulls are made of <metal> that is very lightweight but firm. (gold is one idea for this)   Usually bear cannons. Occasionally 'drop drills' which are dropped from above in order to drill through the balloon of a ship below, as cannon balls are typically ineffective against rubbermetal balloons. Cannons can shoot nets. Some kind of harpoons for ship-to-ship boarding. harpoons with big fuckin magnets on the end.   Airships are used heavily by most Companies and all Pirate crews.   Come in "gunhaulers" "frigates" and "galleys" - and maybe other classes. (each with limits on its layers.   Noss engines. You can chuck a Magic Crystal in an engine to give it huge boosts of speed. come with wild magic surges as you're literally fueling the ship's engines by magic.


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