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Federal Navy

work on the name. I like the idea of calling them 'the feds'. maybe use 'the federation' or 'scalatoran federation navy".   The Scalatoran Federation. Federation of Independent Scalatoran Thaigs. FIST.
  • Federal Navy
  • Federal Polizia / Federal Peacekeepers
  • There is a Scalatoran Federation governing body - they're involved with modifications to the Scalatoran code. they either live in Casadoro, or some floating ship thing (like an aircraft carrier). They command the Scalatoran navy which was used against humans, and now is sent after the more notorious pirates.   as the human empire ended, there have been potential cutbacks to the navy as its less important, and less focus on the Federation (make it more UN).   This is the navy that sarge vermiri served with.   They have/had an exclusive contract with San Salvo for Boarding Suits. San Salvo is considering breaking their relationship with the federation and forcing people to negotiate with them directly for their services. hell, maybe even selling to pirates (right now, only allowed to sell to companies).     NEED. the federation's governing body. And how the thaigs are represented (by whom? Need to work that into Aquila). maybe the federation interacts with each Commission - commisions ratifying or rejecting the acts of the fed, etc.
  • but there's some strong-arming here. the thaigs are going to see things happen that they reject but it happens anyway.
  •       PROBLEM: If the Scalatoran Code governs all of society, who makes additions to it? I was thinking Casadoro, but why would other thaigs be ok with abiding by that? do changes require representatives from each council (meaning that some folks from other thaigs were bought out, and then promptly dealt with?!). not a bad start. alternatives:   (PROMISING) some kind of council or group or oversight council that enforces thing. they make rulings among the various thaigs and they're the ones who put bounties on pirates. limited in scope and engagement, but this may be the arena they really fuck with. The supreme court. the "scalatoran high admirals".
  • I think over time, the Scalatoran High Admiralty has grown more buddy-buddy with Casadoro. it's located there, and people outside Casadoro have begun to equate them.
  • the SHA commands the Scalatoran Navy which has withered (or at least lost popular support) since the ending of the human empire. at this point, their only purpose is to stop pirates (and pirates are family-linked today). so companies support the SHA, but families don't.   Ships in the federal navy: flagship (maybe the iceberg) or "the valkyrie" big turbine steamship. its organ plays flight of the valkyries.  
  • so maybe the federation takes proposals from individual commisisons, and votes on making them apply to all thaigs.
  • Type
    Political, Federation


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