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A seven foot tall, 300 pound, armor-plated reptile with blue shocks sparking from its eyes. Galvan cut an imposing figure, towering over most other ancestries.   Theme: maybe the dehumanization that comes from belonging to a group - particularly one that serves a militant function and is made to follow orders. allows for stories about how decent people become bad cops and the cost of serving in a military.  
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Galvan are the souls of previously-living beings that the godking snatched from death, and then sends out to do his bidding. Ostensibly, they're taken because they displayed a strong sense of justice - but as you learn more, that's just spin. They were collected because they *could be* (meaning they died while a storm was nearby).   Meta: i think the presence of this spin is good and the players should learn it. which means that Galvan are told the lie about being collected for their sense of self. They're also told that their past lives are over, and it would be a perversion of the natural order of life to seek out those pasts that ended. They should trust the tenants they're taught here in order to dispense justice for the godking. Green Lantern touchpoints. Galvan Society tries to hide the mundanity of their origins. tries to hide their history and reject the following of their instincts, instead suggesting total faith in the tenets.

The Eyrie

Most galvan live on an island shrouded in a perpetual cyclonic storm, which makes reaching it by sea essentially impossible. Having their Civilization entirely protected in this way gives them the security to embark out and dispense justice without fearing political reprisals.  


Within the Eyrie, they're the only ancestry.   Exiled Galvan operate elsewhere - individually in pirate crews, more often in small crews called "squalls", or among elven or orcish settlements. The largest contingent lives in Hastille with more throughout Sarpedon Bog.  


Galvan are occasionally exiled from The Eyrie (which is synonymous with 'galvan culture').   Separated from The Eyrie, they lose their ability to be chucked across the world as lightning (something that probably feels like a huge personal loss, as this is a trancendental experience). Though the occasional Galvan may maintan a small "Misty Step" analog. Knowledge about the pain of this exile is widespread enough to warrant empathetic treatment in many cases:  
  • An empathetic outsider understands what they've lost and will reach out to empathize with them.
  • a tolerant outsider will understand that they're separate from the Galvan Society and not blame them for the actions of Galvan Judges
  • a small-minded outsider will still harbor ill will for them for what a Galvan Judge may have done
  Galvan are exiled when their godking disapproves of their job corecting whatever injustice they've been thrown at. They know they're exiled when they don't get called back into lightning. horrifying tense moment when the galvan starts looking around and wondering why it hasn't gone. The witnesses to this moment would see a big, scary, imposing figure who then starts becoming increasily irate and *desperate* which can really add tension to a scene. good source for after-the-fact 'crimescenes' that players can investigate or hear about through 2nd hand account.  

As Player Characters

The most straightforward presentation of a Galvan as a Player Character is as an Exile - a Galvan who has been exiled because they took some action on assignment that went against the Tenets of The Creed ("the storm?"). Now, your character makes their own way in the world.   Alternatively, and with some caveats, you could play a character that is on some unusual assignment - still loyal to The Storm.  


  • Nimbus - an initiate who hasn't yet been given a weapon
  • Induktor- the weapon of a Galvan.
  • Arbiter (Judex/judge) - a Galvan on assignment
  • Variato a rabies ("varying from madness") (AKA "VAR") - a galvan exile
  • Squall - a group of Galvan working as a unit. Also a term for the event of their arrival and dispensing of justice.
  • Kuria (khort) - the larger Galvan created by the fusing of several degraded galvan
  • Storm Monitors - one of the smaller lizards who observe via storms and identify situations for the Godking
  • The Creed - the tenets of the Godking

Galvanic Monitoring

Smaller servants of the godkin (like skins) scry via clouds and storms. The godking looks through what's reported to him and sends Squalls/individuals according to his peference, and then judges their behavior.  


Enthusiastic Galvan should talk about 'His Great Plan'  

Advancement and Degradation

Galvan are given simple metal weapons to jump with. Over time, these weapons begin to pick up parts of the Galvan's being (think about how Magnus' shards work). It's the poritons of the self that were denied in the process of acting on the godking's orders and ignoring their own instincts. If this happens enough, the weapon begins to reject the galvan - who simply discards it and is given a new one by the godking (or the godking buries/retires it)
Some exiles seek to find and reclaim the parts of themselves they lost in service. Meta: this also serves to make those lost weapons into a powerful sentient weapon a partymember could use. a PC galvan could find ANOTHER's weapon and hope to eventually find their own and be reunited (You could do an individual story where they unknowingly have found their own self-weapon and that weapon is waiting for them to grow and prove themself before revealing itself.) these weapons might come with mjolnir-like worthiness checks.
Krox are actually piles of 'worn out' galvan souls who have degraded so much they don't function as individuals or hold together a personality.  

Godking's tenets

NEED FOCUS (mirror on actual military codes) something like thin blue line    

Mechanical abilities

some kind of short range teleport accompanied by thunder sound. maybe a small aoe thunder shout. size and strength. resistane to electrical damage? or maybe vulnerability?



The dehumanization that comes from participating in a militant group.
The cost of diminishing yourself to follow orders and serve your superiors.
An exile understands the regret and shame of a past in that line and may wish to seek redemption through undoing those structures
Big Green. You were made into a monster, but now you're trying to make yourself into someone else.
Green Lanterns. Dinosaurs. Storms.
sound old (ancient roman, greek, aztec, egyptian, mayan, etc)
Lizardman Tropes Leaned on:
Utilitarian. Distant and unrelatable to most
Lizardman Tropes Inverted:
savage, disorganized, primitive
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