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Nuremborc Constitution

written by Sartrug (the destroyer) and (Simogn the Serene)   One's being is not pre-determined - we are each a project of self, condemned to our freedom and the responsibility that comes with that. And it is the role of the state to enable that authenticity of self, because every self is a part of our society.   The role of a citizen is to authentically pursue their own project of self. To recognize one's responsibility in their freedom, and identify the elements that limit the self (caled sedimentation) as distinct from onesself.   The State cannot represent the people, because the people are a collective - not an organization. Instead, the role of the state is to facilitate every citizen's pursuit of self by eliminating those things that limit the self - chief among them, material scarcity. To achieve this, the state should continuously pursue progress through a prideless correction of previous mistakes. The State should never impose any role on a citizen that limits their self, or limits their ability to pull up stakes and begin a new path. In the pursuit of justice, the state will recognize that none of us are ever one of our attitudes or actions and that the elimination of one self is a sin against every self.   Structure: The state shall consist of three positions:.
  • A State Champion spends their time understanding the citizens of the state, and then advocating for that individual to a council for resolutions regarding the 'sedimentation' that limits that citizen's self. The State Champion is authorized to take immediate executive action only against imminent threats by non-persons (defined as en-soi in the writings of Sartrug/Simogn)
  • The Dialectic Council will consist of representitives, freely chosen by self-organized groups of citizens no larger than 200 citizens, who should seek to represent those citizens in discussing solutions. In the extreme case that legislation be proposed (which should always be a last resort to the most intractable of problems), the Dialecticians will advocate to their constituents the need to vote directly on that proposed legisilation, which will only pass into law if 75 percent of the town population agrees.
  • The citizens should act in accordance with the realization that they cannot make their individual liberty their aim unless they make the liberty of all others equally their aim. They shall ensure that the representitives they send of their 100-person collectives represent them honestly.
  • Type
    Decree, Governmental


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