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Nuremborc (NOOR-em-bork)

Theme: systems that give The People power are possible. But they require The People to be responsible, and when we aren't responsible, the system crumbles.  
NEED: What are adventures like in the city   NEED: How long has wrestling been a thing? (maybe 90ish. or longer)   NEED: What are adventures like outside the city, among the mountain/forest?
  • Undead. tons of them. war missions like scouting, sabotaging seige equipment, escorting food/supplies.

  • V2 Mexico + Germany combination, culturally/linguistically.   The spirit of Nuremborc is orcish. They're a town that has embraced an existentialist rebellion against the absurdity of the world. They belive one is Strongkest when one behaves authentically and follows their passions. They WILL NOT enforce an identity on someone or lead them into bad faith. Experience is accomplishment in itself. One finds meaning by following their heart. A little bit hedonistic in reputation - and there are definitely orcs who 100% own that.   interposed against a pressing Ossiarch siege (who come to request a bone tithe from the town's humans. In recent years, the ossiarch general has added a second orc bone tithe - they can't make skelemans from orc bones - they craft and display them as trophies to insult the orcs.   Humans are fully integrated into this society. more so than dwarves or elves.  


  • The Seige
  • recent attacks on the farms, limiting food supply. attacks on the infrastructure of getting food-supply to the town from the terrace farms.
  • Scouts tell of a massive seige structure being built. presumably a way to attack the city itself from afar. (this is a later beat). Expect people to ignore it like global warming - it's an Anguish too big for us.
  • NOD, the faction advocating for increased focus on defense.
  • new idea: an orc pirate crew hiding out here. could bring some attention down on them from a dwarven company?
  • look for external factors of corruption like companies or class-based governments coming in and interfering.
  • a tempting offer proposed to the trading house. big offer in exchange for big cost (not wealth)
  • mayyyyybe some kind of vigilante justice?



    Long, sprawling city, made of plateau crafted from the mountains. tiered farming on adjacent ridge. tall wooden gates/walls protect the city and mountaintop from the slopes below. There's fortunately no pass over the peaks that ossiarchs could take. (or is there)   Windy (makes it hard for dwarven airships to aid agianst Skeleman Army. Docking is also difficult - they dock higher up the mountain and walk over.  


    Sporca DID rule this place once (sporcans only in the top rung. some nuremborcians put into the guardian role, but mostly producers). During the rebellion (95 ya), humans from Miyabi/Garden Springs helped (explicitly without ties to the human empire), and they received weaponry from San Salvo. But the elves stood back and waited to see how it shook out.   Afterward, Nuremborc tried to rule itself in a similar structure. Actual Strength determined the leader - it was a city champ who was actually challenged to actual wrestling. After some time, and frequently changing political debate, Sartrug and Simogn created the constitution (75 ya).  


    Nuremborc Constitution
    written by Sartrug the destroyer and Simogn the Serene, it sets up the roles of State Champion, Advocate, and Citizen. Ultimately it establishes an individual's authentic self as the most important thing, and outlines how each role should contribute to that pursuit. It's very low-legilsative, near-anarchy, and careful of authority or proscribed values.   "The State cannot represent the people, because the people are a collective - not an organization. Instead, the role of the state is to facilitate every citizen's pursuit of self by eliminating those things that limit the self - chief among them, material scarcity."   The Dialectic Council is made of representatives chosen by citizens in groups they self-organize. The State Champion is a rotating position that carries an actual wrestling belt. Periodically a state champ will choose the next champion and handover the belt in a dramatic pro-wrestling act (though there have been precedents set where debate confers the belt). This is usually done in public so that people know about the new state champ. The Dialectic can actually physically interfere and force a loss if they feel the champ has overstayed his reign.   There are around 50-60 Advocates.  
    political factions.
  • the 'give up freedom for protection' party (sporcan influence maybe). ("@Nurembor" Party NOD) Where do they meet? outdoors near the walls. because they're willing to grow beyond 200, they WANT to be engaged, and they want to be in front of the legion whom they're advocating for. Also advocate for laws against Peri drug.
  • some concern from the populace, expressed among the didacts, that NOD is a threat to their peace. Members of the Didacts, including the champ, argue that this group is an expression of the will of its people and is valid.



    linguistics: spanish is the wrestler's language. not a previous civilization, but a cultural creation.  


    (orc folklore has soul-sucking devils that leave victims soulless and enthralled. something that the red sages were unable to surpress. folklore is that they suck souls with their teeth.) the devilwood was a place where the devils lived.

    Where the Fame is

    history. people who *lived* a good life. because everyone else is still working on it, and it's a very 'in the moment' focused psychology.
  • fame is moving away from Legionaires (because that requires acknowlegement of the problem) but there's a pretty high floor on that.
  • moving away from farmers, because of the leanness.
  • moving toward entertainers who distract us.
  • people actually booing wrestlers who try to engage with city-defense storylines.
  • Philosophy

    also penned by Sartrug the destroyer and Simogn the Serene. Thes are the nuggets that were written alongside the parts that became the constitution, but not really relevant to the Nuremborc Constitution.   Philosophy on the soul: there are two types of things in the world: the ensoi (animist ideals) and the poursoi (the people). Ensoi have a definable purpose/essence and are not conscious of themselves. Poursoi are beings defined by their possession of consciousness and their consciousness of their existence and lack of essential essense.   Rebuttle to sporcan philosophy: "acting morally requires one to deny their authenticity to follow a recipe and allows one person's will to drive another's actions. this is bad faith. and will inevitably become a tool for the bougeoisie to control others.   General philosophical writings: Escape the pursuit of completion by completing. force order onto the nothingness. always follow your passion. A person is a struggle between two things: the desire for peaceful self-fulfilment through a curated image/role, and the pure spontenaious freedom of no commitments, to overturn a role, pull up stakes, and strike out on new paths.        


    Abstract Expressionism. Action Painting. francis bacon (Frieda Shpek) and giacometti. NEED: artists.  
    The Bridge
    : Art supply store, inhabited by artists who work there with those paints. everything in nuremborc is worker owned and that should go into the vibe.  
    Yellow Island Gallery
    Art Gallery showing expressionist works  

    Wresting Venues

    wrestling styles: Lucha, hardcore. over-the-top spectacle. Occasionally heelwork is okay. there's no overt 'company' or overall booker. wrestlers freely move between venues (it's like every place is a PWG)
  • State Champion
  • Nuremborc Champion
  • Nurembork Tag Champion
  • Vigilant Champion (24/7 championship)
  • Masquerade Champion (can only be challenged at the masquerade)
  • Legion Champion (only available to active legion fighters)
  • Legends
  • Gerda the Saint Orc, f. legendary early wrestler. formative. also a city Champion afterward.
  • The Blue Devil "AKA el Diablo Azul" Orc, m (orc folklore has soul-sucking devils that leave victims soulless and enthralled. something that the red sages were unable to surpress. folklore is that they suck souls with their teeth.)
  • Karloff Lugardash Orc, m
  • Gorgug Gororo (kids: Edith Gororo (f) and Chago Gororo)
  • Active:
  • The Great Mata Orc, f (face painted wrestler, real name Kyri Mata)
  • Edith Gororo Orc, f and Chago Gororo Orc, m
  • Joints

    mostly serve Almiran "Tenemill" beers. but some serve Hollertau Local.  
    Legion Post 308
    Headquarters of Legion 308 (fuckin celebrities of the town defense. the tavern + shows are worked by employees
  • TNA-style ring. lucha-masked servers. never know when one is going to interfere with a match. rising roof above the ring. occasionally climb up and use ladders to do spots off these ledges/sculptures. there's a heel faction from spartak. big on tag team wrestling.
  • lots of people continue on about thier way while the wrestlng happens. but prideful wrestlers want to get their attention.
  • one of the funnest 'joints' in the city. Wrestling focused but Equally a tavern. feels like those dining theatres in austin.
    Goragon Hall
    Austere, sporcan style wrestling. waiters are just waitiers, and everyone shuts up for the matches. it's more a wrestling venue than a tavern  
    The Masquerade
    (tavern) bar around the entire outside, serving. you actually descend stairs to the middleish of the floor. stage for a band. some nights there's wrestling in the middle. lots of spots done with the balcony. Tavernfocused with music and wrestling behind that. most nights there's music, but they're rarely 'concerts'  


    traditional: guitar music was folk. world, reggae. chill vibes. improvized and funky
    new music is chiefly hair metal. some punk (coming back from Casadoro), power metal, (one ska band), bawdy bard music. most of that using electric instruments (dwarven make), but there's still a space for acoustic folk, reggae,   Nuremborcs seem to lack the idea of what kind of band is right for taverns. they'll have metal bands playing while people just tavern around them. When it comes to art, Nuremborcs are as openminded as it gets.  
    Cedar Tavern
    Beat poetry, jazz, and all the least accessible stuff.  
    playhouse theatre 1
    bigger. maybe minglewood size.  
    playhouse theatre 2
  • literally a house that was torn out and re-arranged for a playhouse. wooden stands. maybe 40-50 people capacity.
  • Civic Center
  • 200 seat auditorium for pod meetings. Was originally 100, but they had to expand after a while.
  • big theatre
    has an orchestra pit, but sporcan orchestras don't come here much anymore. concerts happen here. occasional plays for the famous ones.  


    many shared with Sporca
  • Sporcan holiday about En-soi. smaller here. here's its about appreciation of completeness, less about responsibility of caretaking.
  • wrestlemania day. biggest show of the year, every year. anniversary of a legendary match between Gerda the Saint and The Blue Devil.
  • some day of observing the conjunction. reckoning with the divisions between this world and the old realm (probably bigger in sporca than ashmork)
  • the writing of the constitution is NOT a holiday. Anti-nationalist.
  • a day of rest. almost 'the purge' - you take up a new role temporarily or something like that.
  • National heroes.

  • Simogn and Sartrug
  • wrestling legends: Blue devil, The Saint, gororo.
  • ?

    Civic Organizations



    NEEDS a name
    worked by people who want to nickle and dime - it's mostly dwarves at this point. but they handle trade with the dwarven visitors, buying things that the town will need and then selling to townsfolk later. it's a position of mixed admiration/suspicion. because at once they're doing something good for the town, collecitvely bargaining for prices. and on the other, its' the suspicion of just being professional merchants. but genuinely. They make careful account, and the trade house stores its wealth underneath in a vault, for trade.
  • lately they've been trading for food in order to account for what's happening with the seige. people aren't too grateful about that, or at least the farmers resent them, and the farmers are rather influential. some people would ask the dwarven traders why they don't just hire companies to destroy the army, and they have to try to defend themselves with a technical answer about wind and weaponry.
  • they even buy and donate guns to the legion. though the legion doesn't like using them.
  • Education

    some kind of montesori school. trade jobs. almost a career fair every semester. Still, some orcses go off to Sporca for their Juliard thing.  

    Crime & Punishment

    See *government*. there's no death penalty. And incarceration is heavily de-incentivized by the constitution. need to think about how that's handled. i think wrongdoers would be brought before the champ + dialectic to determine what they need to be better.   There's a growing demand/use for the peri drug here. Some people escaping that way - including defenders who need rest.  


    Bavarian style houses. Strong, high wooden gates. Built by construction crews. build houses for people (in trade, or just for the love of the archtecture). Buncha dads. mustaches. Dwarves on the crew. Lately getting a lot of calls to defend the city.  

    Civic Landcaping

    moms and elderly folk who like gardening.  

    Misc Enterprises

    Anti-siege builders
    bunch of young engineers working on weapons that can launch back at the skelemans, or maybe trigger avalanches or stuff like that. Work with the Foundry.  
    Nuremborc Correspondence
    Buncha old folks who just like talking to people, and hand-delivering mail is their excuse to do that.  


    Some Conjunctionist sects here.   No 'church' of the light. Orcses won't help them build it. Instead they may have offices. but not well liked by Nuremborcs. they rightfully see it as a cult. maybe there's a growing momentum here, as people are turning to the church out of fear.  


  • maize, potatos, goats, rice, some cattle and pork, milk, cheeses, beans, PEPPERS
  • SPICY. tortillas, mexican street food, fries, cerveza, soups, TAMALES
  • ooh, farmers are moms and just nerds who love the soil. foodstores - literal places where food is stored, and people can come get it. it is a bit of a daily thing to grab food if you want to eat at home that night. Farmers directly manage their food distribution, with oversight from The Didacts.
  • every person gets a set amount of food. restaraunt owners need to get money from sales in order to buy extra food (for the restaurant). and they do. they work out those deals with the farmers. farmers have something of a celebrity status when things are good (and may be a bit reviled when times are lean. Things are heading that direction)

    Enterprise (businesses: Services/Goods)



    Orcses are known for their carpentry. Nuremborc orcses are particularly known for their tables, ladders, and chairs. They use Ironwood for sturdier, heavyweight materials (shields, house furniture, the ring, etc). A Nuremborcian orcs specialize in filigree or fine, subtle finishes in their woodwork. Paper making as well.  
    Plunder Furniture Store
    small - don't expect players to really come here for tables. mattias and jegg Hardugz, orcs. sells lumber and finished products, too. Were wrestlers for a while. Increased call for barricades and barricade repair. which is usually the builder's jobs, but the seige is going increasingly poorly and that's cutting into these guys supply.  


    Cow Place Steakhouse
    Chefs are Orcish and Human. like hibachi grillls. occasionally, chefs will wrestle as part of the performance, which has a tendency to freak people out.  
    Hollurtau Brewery
    one small brewery. Orcs and Humans.
    Torch's Tacos
    Taco stand. Branded after a wrestler named The Torch. never terribly successful, but incorporated peppers into his act somehow. either feeding them to the opponent, or eating them as a way of powering himself up.  


    Spears, Magic Staves (some function as clubs, too. very strong, made of ironwood) Greatsword, Battleaxe, Crossbow,  
    Arms of the Saint
    stock includes blades/metal. (battleaxes, greatswords, spears + other blades. maybe a wand or some crossbows) decorated with Gerda the Saint's memorabilia. Shop that has one craftsman Tomi Silvestri dwarven (m), and a partner Jutta Fuchs orc (f) crafter who wants to give away their stuff. the orc doesn't have much of a financial mind, but the human/dwarf/whatever is insisting he give shit to the legion and sell the good stuff. maybe they're maried. She's particularly skilled with woodcraft.  
    Devilwood War Carpentry
    something like Tarvis Wilhelmar Orc, m (makers mark is a wolf head). wooden weapons only. maybe an image or two of The Blue Devil. maybe the crafter was briefly the Blue Devil (like, the blue devil 5 or something).
  • sells Magic Staves (and Ironwood staves / wands that are ultimately clubs or Mauls), Crossbows, Spears. warpicks. nunchucks. Shields.
  • The Foundry
    Not much of a store, really. Mostly they trade. Ginni Ferrara, Dwarf f, Nestor Deadeye Crugz Orc m, and 2 humans. make bullets from slag imported from Slag Point. They both travel on expeditions to Slag Point, and craft bullets (and occasionally guns).
  • consider this. guns in-town would be potentially a bad idea. but here should be someone making bullets. maybe it's not much of a store. Make explosives for legion defense. They're discerning in who they sell to.
  • Nuremborc Legion

  • The defenders of the city. Probably a big overlap between them and pro wrestling. No central leadership. the legion is made of MANY 'squads' of five. and each squad governs itself based on majority. Legions are numbered, and some have carried on since the establishment of the city
  • 5 have been around since the beginning.
  • 308 are the hotshots. They inherited legion post 308 from the legendary 11th legion after their death.
  • X are gun specialists. a dwarf among them
  • Y is three galvan and 2 orcs
  • Power / Utilities

    Windmills at the top of the mountain to charge batteries.  

    Item Shops

    Good as New
    Rienna Kalir, elf, f trade weapons and magic items. try to repair them so they can be sold again. an Elf who likes the kinsugi element of it (they acutally melt-down silver 'gots that come in).  
    General Store
    see the import/export trade house for what is essentially a general store.  
    Gray's Clothier and Maskery
    NEED NAME Sandra the Great, orc f. makes clothing and luchador masks. the most in-demand.  
    Paulo's Closet
    _ _ human, and Katja Golgotha orc, f. second-hand clothing store and armor.  


    Cannot be state-run. maybe two.
    The Bulletin
    one that is advocating for the defense of the city. Reports on meetings of <the faction>. Reports on developments in Almira.  
    and a second that ignores it. focuses on entertainment/wrestling news. rapidly becoming more popular. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.  

    Public Transportation

    Maybe none? or somekind of travel around the mountaintops toward the mining settlements. A way to get to the top of the Zaan.  

    black market goods

    not really a black market, because things aren't illegal. buut, there are individual traders who bring in peri drugs. and they organize so that people can find them and buy from them.  

    relations with nearby settlements

    Aid provided to Garden Spring

      some trade with Slag Point, i guess. revisit once i know more about them.   Cultural exchange with Ost Almiral. Positive relationship, but there could be shifts based on political activity. like ashmork getting concerned if Ost Almiral goes elf nationalist (at the very least, Nuremborc should be paying attention to the rise of factions there and what may be happening with the crown. someone talking here about the NAR, and that can provide some forecasting for players.   Music inspiration: Rise Against. Anti-flag. bad religion


    Orcses: 56%
    Humans: 21.5%
    Dwarves: 15%
    Elves: 5%
    Galvan: 2.5%


    Terraced Walls. Mostly wood with stone packed within, so that if the walls break, stones roll down the hills.


    Role: Progressive orc city
    Inspiration: lucha wrestling of mexico city + existentialism+hedonism of Berlin
    Themes: systems that give The People power are possible. But they require The People to be responsible, and when we aren't responsible, the system crumbles.
    When we're free to act, do we act or escape?
    Hubbub: Seige developments, food supply issues
    Events/set pieces around: Wrestling Tavern
    Orcses: 56%
    Humans: 21.5%
    Dwarves: 15%
    Elves: 5%
    Galvan: 2.5%

    Articles under Nuremborc


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