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The Conjunction

(insp the conjunction of the spheres in witcher) an event in which various ancestries and planes were merged.   doylian: this allows us to have different gods and origins for different ancestries and makes for a more mysterious world   history (elves, dwarves, humies, etc               History from iPad: elves first.
humans + orcses. somewhat concurrent to Galvan.
    questions: do any ancestries remember their world before the conjunction? humans: ? elves: ? dwarves: NO. deliberately. olympians: not down here, but on olympa, sure orcses: only oral tradition of a mountainous plane. red sages: yes galvan: ? (maybe. they came from a world of islands)     --------   the Mesomare looks down on several worlds! maybe even the worlds that these races came from.       World Plan 2 - The conjunction wasn't deliberately done. MAYBE the olympians foresaw it and elected not to interfere. could remain birdlike.
the conjunction not explained. it was a thing that happened
2a. (maybe inadvertently caused by trouble in heaven before The Rebellion. unintended consequences of things they were doing in Olympia) and the Rebellion is upset because olympians haven't been involved in helping or even sharing knowlege of the conjunction.
2b.Or maybe they just foresaw the conjunction, but didn't bother to interfere. * This Means: Conjunction concurrent. no world is the original. 2c. maybe the stars are the actual entities behind the conjunction. and the olympians have a priviliged place serving them (as the angels did in christian mythology). so the olympians cast out the rebels who wanted to go against or reject the creation of a prison for the bad parts of these worlds (world plan 1). problem with that is why are the dwarves punished? maybe there was another part of that world far above teh fomorians. and the dwarves were making weapons to be used gasinst them? idk.   -------- A. Elves + Forests.
  if we don't populate the desert with an ancestry, it could be th location of the first tree? blighted land after they killed their god? That or their city is built into the carved out husk of the first tree.     ------   B. Humans. + the plains.
  ---   C. The Underground. + Dwarves/Fomorians. Fomorians created the dwarves as livestock + workers. Dwarves able to create magic items (only in service to the fomorian creator/gods). Dwarves, when the surface appeared, rebelled and made for the surface. Put the ground behind them and moved to the skies. Each ancestry has a history like this.   -----   D. Galvan. came here on moving island. (was it part of Olympia? Probably not.)
  ----   E. (maybe orcs + Mountains + Red Sages together) we could have orcish concepts of vampirism that are brought through wrestling. a total oral tradition that the red sages couldn't wipe out.   Orcses. moved here ON their mountain ranges. They believe it was once one mountain range, and was split in the move. either actually a precursor to the split (distance allowed different ideas to grow). some handwrigning about how they used to be unified.   Vamps. the offshoot of a race that never conjoined? or they DID conjoin, and... they eat that race to death and then begin starving? the managing of vampiric hunger is interesting in a 'sustainable farming' kind of way. OR they came here with the orcs, and have removed their history in the act of hiding their bloodcurse. Vamps could be added to any other ancestry. doesn't 100% need to be with orcs. But they have sort of a sacred mountain and orcs are moving with mountains.     Note: could use the conjunction to explain geographical imposibilities. the boreal forests were moved here. the desert was the centerpoint of the conjunction's energies, etc.    

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