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The Coven

The Coven were an alliance of powerful Wyches in the human empire, who had organized their industry in a similar way that John Wick universe does.   When someone hired from The Coven to assassinate someone, the client creates a reliquary that the assassin keeps with them. That reliquary reveals if/when the client dies, at which point, the contract is invalidated (and the Coven doesn't get paid) <or maybe there's a fallback option, where the Assassin can hunt down and take vengeacne on the killer of the client at which point they get access to the fee>. the Reliquary is part of the cost you pay to get their services. because you're putting yourself out there as a target *for your target.* And it means that the assassin doesn't become a target. because its usually easier for The Target to kill the client than to kill the assassin.   Coven Assassins revere different gods (or at least aren't exclusively followers of Shin-rath.   As a general rule, the Wyches of the Coven don't have qualms on the depths of the magic they tap into.   Political Standpoint * Did not owe defacto leadership to anyone. they were independent (like a house), but not a house. Maybe an offshoot of Petrefax? or independent bearers of the deathmark.   Members
  • The Valedictorian (fear knack). Would essentially magically send 'goodbye' messages to the target. ominous. drive them to extreme fearfulness at which point they would die accidentally or kill themselves or become susceptible to some kind of Fear-based long distance ritual murder.
  • she has a nerdy libervostian academy vibe. an Intellectual. maybe she has some relic that makes her live long or something. some ritual spell maybe.
  • is she liched? explains how/why she's still alive today. a little off-brand for her aesthetic.
  • The Baba Yaga. (john wick. retired today. Jobs or Happenings where players will need to get her out of retirement for something.
  • the most deadly. athletic, boots-on-the-ground inflitration and assassination. Could walk through a House and leave it empty.
  • <ip man> monk vibes.
  • ninja infiltrator ?
  • sharpshooter ?
  • ritualist ?

  • From here on is older ideas: maybe revisit later and see what i want to keep.   IFF all the coven are lichy, then maybe the lich king's 'way out' is that by becoming a lich, he would be given absolute loyalty of the Coven. so they couldn't be used against him.   Involvement in the fall of humanity * maybe covenent got one of their phylacteries. gave it to The Emperor. and then reported that 'discovery' to Archon Thane when he was in wherever.... wait, what does that do?   The Wyches are something very unique. they are deadly - each unique in their methods. Baba Yaga is very john wick (successful assassin) *who have they been assassinating?!* (50 years ago, who would they have been assassinating? maybe dwarven heads of families. pre-corporate. or maybe it was company assassinations. oooooh back when they were all really pirates (no bosses)). mgaic ninjas. wizard/warlock + rogues. who go invisible or kill from a distance. baba yaga scares people. baba yaga also made some deal with death or something crazy like that. retired just before king died. *plotline about getting her out of retirement* part of their magic involved tokens like in john wick. plotline is someone has one and wants to get her out of retirement for ___. other idea. the wyches had different prices. often once they'd be reached out to, if the contractor didnt' choose Baba, the target would be informed of their contract and offered a stronger one. this would pit Wych against Wych, with contracts for each. revisit. This this into @fall   Notably Baba Yaga was part of the Coven.
    Guild, Assassins

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