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The Underdark

Needs: Whole page   underdark: go deep enough and you can access the other planes. in the same way that if you go high enough, you can access them.   The Fomori have been making new ancestries after the dwarves left.
  • Skaven
  • goblin/gnomes? little dicey if the gnomes are enthralled to them (because slavery)
  • "dark" elves are just elves that live in the underdark (in order to not age). come up with a how/why they neglect their answers (or in theme: free themselves)


    places where the underdark meet the surface. need to come up with these.  


    much smaller here than above. too many together invite <critters> or draw the fomori's attention. maybe the dark elves have a settlement where they don't let fomori-kin in and there's that kind of beef.
    Underground / Subterranean
    Inhabiting Species


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