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The Sky Seas
  The Mountains   Elf City (Elf Settlement)
Sporka (Orc Settlement)
Ashmork (Orc Settlement)
Frontier Mining Town 1
Frontier Mining Town 2
Frontier Mining Town 3
  Southern Coniferous Forest (rename) The Red Mountain roðinn-Sí
  Islands   The Eyrie   Jungle   Desert
Ost Almiral
  The Underdark   ?dark elf? settlement   The Human Wasteland   Ruins only Things needing places   HQ for Society of Explorers (needs new name)   Center of the New Church of Conjuncted Spheres (needs new name)         Ruins Academy (*probably* monster infested ruins, right?) Human city (mausoleum capitol of lich king empire) each of the other human houses some floating ruins ocassionally part of falling Burgs (mystery where they're coming from - best explanation is mythical Thule in the Ultimare sea, beyond typical limits) theory of a sky el dorado (thule)that pieces are breaking off of. some idea about finding a vertically spiralling current that can take you from Layer 6 up to thule. fomorian ruins in underdark search for 'Atlantis' of dwarven empire (maybe in the sands. maybe under central lake. maybe in/near the eyrie). This should be a thaig that disappeared like Roanoke.     extant faith:   ooh! something that spans ancestries. a more universal god not tied to any individual creation. something to explain the conjuction of the spheres (a god or trio that orchestrated that, maybe). potential to be set in the desert city. or headquartered in one of the dwarven thaigs?   KB has:   17 "nations" each with   hallmarks a summary interesting things about the nation character traits blurbs on each of 4-5 cities recent history         }


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