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Vasari Family

One of the Old Eight families of Aquila. They're heavily involved in Farming. Currently have two seat on The Commission Eccellente, which are held by Sofia and Franco Vasari. They own the kegby team, The (Vasari) Frigates. Both Sofia and Franco are part of the Ottofamiglia, though Sofia's a more recent addition, brought in by Franco who really feels at home there.   They're not huge fans of Sarge Vermiri, due to their connection with Pirates and his history as a Naval officer. Their connection to pirates is a bit of an open secret among Aquila. disputed rumor among the company folk - there are a few that know/suspect, but it's hard to get anything done about it.   NEED: what does Georgio do.  
Character of the House
Prestigious and Famous. They're the cool family everyone wants to be.  
Dead Vasaris
  • Giuseppe Vasari - Captain of the first rubber-metal aether-baloon airship a billion years ago.
  • Valida Vasari parent of Oskar and Michaelangelo Russo nee Vasari. F dead 125.
  • Oghreni Vasari nee Marino. M dead 125. Husband of Valida.
  • Oskar Vasari parent of Franco, Sofia, and Diana Baroni nee Vasari. M dead 90.
  • Claudia Vasari nee Brunari. wife of Oskar. dead 85.
    Living Vasaris
    No true '-riarch' as there are two seat-holders, and they're cousins. they rule as equals over the affairs of the house  
  • Sofia Vasari F 54 - She's the one that's most closely tied to pirates. Holds a seat on the The Commission Eccellente. She even had a scandalous (but more heroic to the 8 houses) bit of a sabatical where she operated as a pirate. She tragically 'lost' her kid, Carlotta Vasari (who still operates as a famous pirate under a different name). In reality, she passed her pirate title onto Carlotta at that point, and sofia came back to Aquila to serve here. NEED that title. Occasionally does guest seminars at the university regarding 'navigation' through her connection in Camilla. Carlotta was born from an unknown (to anyone else) pirate (maybe go with one of the Beards).
  • At those seminars, she's really scouting + recruiting for the pirate crew. give it a conspiratorial vibe.
  • Carlotta Vasari, presumed dead officially. Actually a pirate. Not obviously tied to the vasari family, though. that link is sorta obscured. F 32.
  • Franco Vasari - M 59. Gifted speaker and politician. he's a good face for the family to show off. Holds a seat on the The Commission Eccellente. Very politiciany
  • Natalia Vasari nee Spatafore, Franco's Wife. F 60. She runs the vasari farming initiatives, and basically feeds the city. another good face for the family.
  • Giorgio Vasari M 30, Franco's kid. NEED: what does he do? (MAYBE he's a giada consort. good at hiding those pirate links and keeping them organized/in-touch?) but he would still have some job/function. should be related to airships. maybe he's affiliated with the repair/ship-building folks at the docs. or teaching at the university. maybe more in a mechanic's standpoint.
  • Camilla Vasari F 33., Franco's . Teaches at Brunari University - ship mechanics. Very prestigious spot.
  • Dain Vasari nee Gentileschi. M 32. Husband to Camilla
  • Boni Vasari 1 F. daughter of Camilla and Dain.
  • Exported Vasaris
  • Diana Baroni nee Vasari.
  • Michaelangelo Russo nee Vasari
  • Type
    Alternative Names
    Family Leader