Monkey Goblin Species in The Skylands of Ormund | World Anvil
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Monkey Goblin

"Who, Bang? Nah, he's harmless. Well, mostly. Point is, it's highly unlikely he'll do something unprovo- Bang, you better not throw that firebomb!" Captain Graves, in regards to Bang the Bomb (Monkey) Goblin, his trusted friend.

Basic Information


Nearly identical to their cousins, the Goblins. Monkey Goblins are a bit smaller, and are covered in short fur, much like a monkey. Their feet act like hands, with thumbs and opposable toes.

Biological Traits

Their prehensile tail and opposable feet make climbing and swinging a breeze for Monkey Goblins, which often travel through the treetops of their jungle homes.

Ecology and Habitats

Generally found on tropical skylands.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Akin to Goblins, many variables influence a Monkey Goblins intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Monkey Goblins handle sunlight a lot better than their cousins, the Goblins. It is in the dark that they have a harder time seeing.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
30 years
Average Height
2 feet
Average Weight
35 pounds
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Monkey Goblins usually have a tan or khaki colored fur, with stripes of darker tan or brown which help camouflage them in the tropical jungles of their homes.
Geographic Distribution

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