Selighorst Settlement in The Soul Forge | World Anvil
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If you ever visit the town of Selighorst in the northern part of the Federation, be sure you go see the mansion of the local Merchant Prince. The entire front of the second story is one big glass window in more colors than I can describe. Every manner of beast, from bears and deer to griffons and dragons are included in that window.
— from "Memories of a Caravan Guard" by Clais Hiltprandt


Species Population
Humans 96%
Halflings 3%
Other races1%

Humans make up the majority of the population of Selighorst. Dwarves and elves come to the town often to learn from the master glass makers and some end up staying for a longer period. The recent decades has seen a steady growth in the halfling population as more and more families choose to settle in the town rather than travel the roads.


The town is ruled by the Merchant Prince Dietrich Pfyffers, a middle-aged human male who would rather spend his time in his personal workshop than ruling. The Burgomeister Henrich Meigers handles the daily running of the town with the help of a small group of appointed administrators. Larger matters are handled by the City Council, that ind addition to the Merchant Prince and the Burgomeister consists of a number of master glass makers.

Industry & Trade

The master glass makers of Selighorst are known as the best at their craft throughout the former imperial lands. It is claimed that there is no color of glass that they cannot produce. Windows made by the craftsmen of the city, both stained glass and full sheets can be found in church buildings and noble mansions throughout the lands and are considered a mark of wealth.

The creation of fine windows takes a large amount of time, and only the most accomplished glass makes can make a living solely from that work. Most of the glass makers in Selighorst are instead focused on producing goblets and vases in a variety of sizes and colors. The craftsmanship of these is still for the most part excellent and most are bought by traveling merchants who sell them at good profit in other towns.


The town was first established in 318 AtB when a knowledgeable glass maker, Tilecke Pfyffers, bought the rights to an abandoned open pit mine and set up a small walled workshop nearby. The mine had originally been made to extract copper and iron, but the promising veins soon ran dry. Tilecke however had recognized that many of the minerals found alongside the metal ore, as well as the sand from the open pit, could be used to make excellent glass in many colors. When news of the extraordinarily fine glass wares produced by Tilecke started to spread it attracted other glass makers and the small workshop grew into a hamlet.

Tilecke's son Detert was the first to be elected as burgomeister, and as the hamlet quickly grew into a town he was granted the title of Lord by the Count who controlled the lands at the time. As the wealth of the town steadily grew over the next century Selighorst became the center of all trade in the area, and the Pfyffers managed to keep control of the town and eventually also the surrounding lands by equal use of political savvy and bribes. When the idea for the Eisenburg Federation was first proposed the Pfyffers were quick to support it as they could see the threat of the growing Graslendi Empire firsthand due to being close to the border. After the surrender of the Federation the Pfyffers were just as quick to accept Imperial rule and were allowed to keep control of the town.

Natural Resources

The mine that is the source of the minerals used to make the many different colors of glass is located just outside the city walls. It started out as an open pit mine, but these days most of the minerals are mined through regular mining tunnels dug from the walls of the pit and stretching out in all directions, including under the town. Mining of sand for the production of glass stopped centuries ago in the original open pit due to worries about collapsing parts of the town. The sand needed is now mined from other sites that are still relatively close to the town.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Many Colors


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