2023-08-11 Report

General Summary

After recovering from their fight against the Ghost Assassin, the party reconvened at their lodgings as the Honeydew Haven, Scurrilous Minx in tow, after her agreement to cooperate with the investigation in exchange for clemency. Mehala Gratian joined them there straight from Sijan city hall, where he'd been holed up and interrogated for hours. But apparently his testimony had bore fruit, and Minx was properly deputized as an auxiliary in the investigation thanks to his testimony. Minx needed a place to sleep, and agreed to share lodgings with a new stranger Silver Shadow who had arrived in town under somewhat mysterious circumstances.   Everyone ate a late dinner consisting of honey and boysenberry syrup over pancakes, while getting to know one another at least a little bit, except for gratian, who just fell asleep, so tired he was from his travails. The new Silver Shadow perked up when the auction was mentioned, which was tied to the investigation, and Minx's involvement, and her pet, the three-eyed raven attracted much staring from Percival and Malachy.   Heading to the Auction Hall once everyone realized Minx had a key to the auction, being considered one of the organizers, the chatter between the party started exposing some cracks between Vixen and stelsor bladed tornado over her recent behaviour. Finding that the under-the-scene secret door had been blocked with a stone, the party explored around, with Malakai exploring the area around the Guild Hall. Finding an ancient piece of cloth, Malakai called the party for aid, which was followed by the two undead ninja's ambush. Defeating them the party returned to the hall with but an hour to spare before the auction, hearing preparations in place for the following auction, including undoing the block that had prevented the secret door from operating earlier. Before anything else could be done, the auction hall filled with the five invited bidders: Giltran, Diminute, Defintra, Shagalauth and Iselsi Minuet Vangord, while the heavy stone block holding down the door was lifted by materialized spirits, allowing a stately entrance to Steel Vixen Aims Twice Strikes Once and Da-Ni-Ko, the Silencer of Consciences. The spirit stevedores bring out the first item to be auctioned, while two ghost waiters offer refreshments of an undeathly nature to the participants. Silver Shadow and Fortifier of Hearts and Bones try the Ghost snow, a powerful narcotic that acts like a mild poison to them, being identified with "the living", but Malachy, trying the same substance, ends up identified as "of the dead" and suffers the full effect, an emotional episode on par with a limit break.   Briskly moving through the auction format, Razorthorn was auctioned, then the stevedores unpacked the Seven-Piece Staff known as The Seven Apostrophes of The Efreet and Da-Ni-Ko proceeded to demonstrate it myriad powers: the links between the sections being made of elemental fire, its ability to come to the user's hand on command, the way it can turn into an actual single-pieced staff of soulsteel two paces long. Iselsi Minuet Vangord ends up winning that bid, and gets closer to the auctioneer to discuss methods of payments, presumably since it's quite a sum, having ended up bidding fifty talents of silver, enough to buy a mansion.   The last item, one described as not as arcane as the others, but still valuable, is The Triptych of Luna Unleashed, won by Silver Shadow, who unknown to the group, was on a mission to procure this very item. As the last item was sold, Diminute tried to leave, but was intercepted by the stevedores, now in their actual form of ghost-assassins. A seemingly inoccuous question to Steel Vixen, coupled with Da-Ni-Ko materializing to touch her, apparently trying to reassure her had her anima flare to Iconic, blazing Dark Green in the room, to the rustle of pages and the smell of thousands of inkpots, the murmur of secrets.   Session ended.

Rewards Granted

Personal Milestone had been handed at the beginning of session, Mehala Gratian.
Report Date
11 Aug 2023


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