Scurrilous Minx

Indira V'Neef

Born Cidia in Juche prefecture, exalting as a lost egg and adopted into the Mnemon family, but thrown out after the number of scandals over scavenger land tomb shenanigans outweighed her value to the family.   Taking Scurrilous Minx as her own name, and joining the guild as an independant, wishing to rise as a factor. Rival and political infighting blocked her rise, and deciding to move to Sijan, where she collaborated with the Thieves Guild without joining them. The guild leader, Steel Vixen Aims Twice Strikes Once soon embroiled her in her complex plan to smuggle what looked like magical artifacts, but is apparently high quality forgeries, as eventually most of the charges were dropped, or so the first court case went. Emboldened by their successful court defense, the group eventually 'replaced' the Second Lapis Ewer, The Triptych of Luna Unleashed, Razorthorn, The Seven Apostrophes of The Efreet, Gnomor's steps and Fan of Fangfish Dooms. What's particular about the last two items is that each one was targeted by a claim attempt by Minx and Vixen, and the Apostrophe was attempted to be claimed by Da-Ni-Ko, the Silencer of Consciences, but the group went ahead with selling it, much to their pleasure, as that last item fetched the highest price at auction.
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