Report to the Green Lady, by Flying Eiderdown

General Summary

From: Flying Eiderdown, The Bawdy Zombie, Sijan, 768RR.   To: Green Lady, Forbidden Manse of Ivy, Bureau of Destiny, Division of Secrets, Yu-Shan   My most honoured Lady, Here is my report, I have been made aware of agents, here, in Sijan, acting against our interests. If you could ask the Looms about them, I would be greatly grateful.   As you instructed, I have been trying to keep an eye on Da-Ni-Ko, the Silencer of Consciences. I have recruited V'Neef Indira, the Scurrilous Minx, to my cause, she was most helpful in convincing the subject of how frightening he was. Her sorcery was also helpful in getting the articles you wanted sent from that location in the dreaming sea to Sijan, and her thrall, or so I thought, one Malachy, would have been useful, had he remained mindless and biddable.   To my great dismay, this turned out not to be the case, my agents in the thieves guild of Sijan, led by none other than the one I trusted most, Stelsor, the bladed tornado, defected. Some joining a gang of ragamuffins pegged by the Lord and Lady of Sijan's hapless majordomo, Filandro Deathknight, to investigate the whereabouts of the purloined artifacts. Those ragamuffins also included Fortifier of Hearts and Bones, the aforementioned Malachai, and most especially Gratian, a mysterious visitor whose ties to the Dreaming Sea are mystically obvious, but obscured from me.   They started by investigating the appearance sites of the Fan of Fangfish Dooms, and recovered it. Then making their way to the appearance site of the Second Lapis Ewer, tracing it to a safehouse I borrowed from operative Steel Vixen Aims Twice Strikes Once, and recovering it from there. Then backtracking to the appearance site of The multipartite staff of exquisite precision, the The triptych of the countenance of She Who Lives in Her Name and the one for Igloovest. This has not derailed our plans, as I still have, for the auction, Gnomor's steps, the Indigo Sash of Serene Misfortune and Mocking Grace and Meek Fury. I meet with Da-Ni-Ko and Minx on the morrow, to plan out the auction.   As always I remain, yours. Flying Eiderdown of Serene Contention.  
— Intercepted report, decrypted via sorcery, Sijan, 768RR.
Report Date
02 Aug 2023


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