
Due to the destruction of the Guild Ziggurat in the winter of 769, the Timeless Order of Manacle and Coin made great inroads into Nexus District proper, establishing many businesses: a casino, several brothels, including one entirely staffed by undead, a secret broker for 'indentured servants', and two magic shops. All those buildings were conveniently purchased in the shadow of the fallen Ziggurat, in the aftermath of this disaster's crashing of real estate prices in the area. Due to the Coin's influence, many of the more dubious establishments were located in the basements of the facilities chosen, with the hope of transforming them into Shadowlands when mystical conditions permit.   The location, almost its own city neighbourhood, is referred to informally as "Liveeasy" as a reference to the fact that it's staffed partially by undead, partially by mortals, but with a design to have both coexist cordially. With the wide selection of goods, licit and illicit, it's attracted the well-to-do who are curious, and in a city the size of Nexus, that's a sizeable population. Of special attention is the rebirth of the underground fight clubs, long rumored in Nexus, and quite popular.


Mostly composed of criminals tangential to all three major crime syndicates:
  • The timeless order of manacle and coin
  • The Guild's grasp over Nexus
  • Tang-Zen Crime Syndicate
  • who mostly want to be left alone, but the heavy involvement of the Manacle and Coin means their independance and neutrality will be tested.


    Most land in the area is owned by Miribadi Ghostlover who holds them in trust for The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears .


    Sixty warghosts are sworn to the quarter's defense and independance, but have stated they will not oppose the city's lawful rule. A clever opponent can take advantage of their limited loyalties.

    Industry & Trade

    Amoral and lawless, almost anything can change hands here, even more than at coffleblock, although the Fair Folk find the area distasteful, feeling there's way too many undead in close proximity, and stay in the River Market instead.

    Guilds and Factions

  • Factor Panem e Circenses holds the license for the guild's caravans for the district of Nexus, all who deal in the neighbourhood must buy from him in order not to offend the Guild, a fatal offense.
  • Red Falcon Flies True, an exaltblooded, calls the neighbourhood home, and keeps the neutral factions in the quarter in touch with any wares the Tang-Zen can supply.
  • Iselsi Michiko, arriving in town in 768, found the quarter move next door to her appartment, and decided the best part of valor was to blend in. Her exact loyalties aren't know at this time, even by her, perhaps.
  • Founding Date
    22 Resplendant Air 769RR
    Alternative Name(s)
    Under-nexus, the little death
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
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