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Adventurers of The Star Wars Galaxy chronicle

  • 3955 C.R.C.

    9 /5

    Aarux Peth is Born
    Life, Birth

    9 May 3955 C.R.C.
      Born on Ord Mantell.

  • 3961 C.R.C.

    14 /1

    Koth Atreides is Born
    Life, Birth

    14 January 3961 C.R.C.
      Koth Atreides is born on Batuu. His life with his family was short-lived, for he was removed from his home by mandalorians before his first memories.

  • 3963 C.R.C.

    4 /8

    Enkidu Ishtar-Sin is Born
    Life, Birth

    4 August 3963 C.R.C.
      Enkidu Ishtar-Sin is born in Taris at Yarriss Town.

  • 3964 C.R.C.

    1 /2 10:00

    Tsock Seff is Born
    Life, Birth

    1 February 3964 C.R.C.
      Tsock Seff was born on Rodia in a poor family.

  • 3965 C.R.C.

    22 /6

    Ten is Born
    Life, Birth

    22 June 3965 C.R.C.
      Ten is born on Wayland.

  • 3968 C.R.C.

    13 /1

    Klinania Revolt
    Political event

    13 January 3968 — 22 September 3968 C.R.C.
      Inspired by Jedi, the local citizens of Old Klinania, a city on the planet of Ord Mantell, revolted against the tyrranical Klinanian Government, led by the aqualish Un Edbuvl.   Un was slain on 2 September 3968 C.R.C. and the people usurped their government.   Among the casualties of this revolt was Aarux Peth's mother.

  • 3969 C.R.C.

    12 /4

    K'rla is Born
    Life, Birth

    12 April 3969 C.R.C.
      K'rla is born on Rishi.

  • 3969 C.R.C.

    23 /7

    Hera Ohtani is Born
    Life, Birth

    23 July 3969 C.R.C.
      Hera Ohtani is born on Shili.

  • 3970 C.R.C.

    29 /3

    Aarux Peth flees Home
    Life, Relocation

    29 March 3970
      Unhappy with his current life and the misery he experienced at the hands of his father, the recent and raw death of his mother, the persecution of being an alien species by his peers, Aarux sought comfort and refuge in a place far outside of his home.   He hit the Old Klinania Spaceport and hitch hiked out to Randon doing odd jobs on ships.  

  • 3970 C.R.C.

    12 /6

    The Jotun Tragedy
    Military action

    12 June 3970 C.R.C.
      Ten’s village is destroyed as a result of a local conflict and he is taken in by looters.   The political turmoil between the local government and rebelling citizens resulted in a bloody civil war. The village of Jotun was completely annihilated by the power-hungry government.

  • 3973 C.R.C.

    13 /5

    K'rla Becomes a Youngling
    Life, Milestone

    13 May 3973 C.R.C.
      K'rla's parents finally give into the requests of a local jedi to take in their son for training. K'rla is taken to Alderaan where he studied with a group of younglings.   Among those were Hera Ohtani and Oijoctihe.  

  • 3973 C.R.C.

    9 /9

    Hera Becomes a Youngling
    Life, Milestone

    9 September 3973 C.R.C.
      Hera Ohtani's parents gave her up to the Jedi Order when they learned of her force sensitivity. She was taken to Alderaan where she studied with a group of younglings.   Among those were K'rla and Oijoctihe.  

  • 3973 C.R.C.

    20 /11

    Tsock Seff's Parents are taken into Slavery
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    20 November 3973 C.R.C.
      Tsock Seff's parents were taken as slaves off planet when he was about ten years old.

  • 3973 C.R.C.

    3 /12

    From Looter-Scout to Slave
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    3 December 3973 C.R.C.
      Ten is captured by gang members and sold to Bavish the Hutt who resides on Sleheyron.  

  • 3974 C.R.C.

    16 /3

    Ehdexya Seff's Death
    Life, Death

    4 July 3941 — 16 March 3974 C.R.C.
      Tsock Seff learned that his father died shortly after he was taken.

  • 3974 C.R.C.

    23 /9

    Snuumzelwi Tra Seff's Death
    Life, Death

    12 April 3943 — 23 September 3974 C.R.C.
      Tsock Seff learned that his mother died in slavery shortly after his father.

  • 3975 C.R.C.

    30 /10
    3984 C.R.C.

    5 /8

    Tsock Seff Joins the Vipers
    Life, Organisation Association

    30 October 3975 — 5 August 3984 C.R.C.
      A couple of years after his parents were enslaved, some people approached him about taking down these slave traders. They took interest in him because of his increased ability to sneak around and not be seen. He accepted, but little did he know they wanted him to be the trigger man.   He had gained membership to an organization known as The Vipers.  

  • 3977 C.R.C.

    3981 C.R.C.

    The Exar Kun War
    Military action

    After being confronted by the spirit of the fallen Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, Exar Kun harnessed the power of the Sith Temples on Yavin 4 and embarked on a campaign to destroy the Republic and the Jedi Order.

    Additional timelines
  • 3977 C.R.C.

    18 /1

    Koth Atreides graduates from the Wilderness
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    18 January 3977 C.R.C.
      Having spent all of his childhood in the wilderness, learning to survive and adapt to the harsh conditions, Koth finally reached his 16th year in which The Clanless finally removed him from the Wilderness and welcomed him as a member of the Clanless.   He is paired as a Strikebrother with Banth Kondu.

  • 3977 C.R.C.

    14 /5
    3977 C.R.C.

    21 /5

    A Radiating Vacation
    Life, Supernatural

    18 May 3977 C.R.C.
      Enkidu's parents booked a cheap vacation to visit a nebula in the Pallaxides System, several systems away.   During the vacation, the ship flew too close, exposing several of the passengers to large amounts of radiation.   Enkidu's parents were able to shield him from most of the radiation.

  • 3977 C.R.C.

    14 /6

    Aarux's First Convict
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    14 June 3977 C.R.C.
      On Randon, Aarux was able to track down and collect sufficient evidence to convict a Jedi (TBD) that had gotten into a pickle and was forced to use mind control and his advantages with the Force to get out. The Jedi's lightsaber was destroyed and Aarux used his connection to the person (TBD) destroying it to get the kyber crystal.

  • 3978 C.R.C.

    14 /1

    Terminal Radiation
    Life, Death

    14 January 3978 C.R.C.
      The radiation that Enkidu's parents had been exposed to on their vacation the year prior resulted in their deaths. His mother passed first in November and his father gave up the ghost on this date.   Enkidu was mostly spared from the effects, but his eyes have been red ever since.

  • 3978 C.R.C.

    1 /3
    3983 C.R.C.

    22 /7

    Defense Mercenary
    Life, Career

    1 March 3978 C.R.C.
      Realizing that his parents wealth wouldn't last forever—mostly due to the bills accumulated during his parents final months—Enkidu decided to find work. Having the need to provide for himself immediately and at such a young age, he was not able to obtain a secondary education and instead took jobs as a spacer.   Eventually he acquired his own gun and had a superior talent for it. He developed a small reputation as a good shot and was able to work effectively as defense on the freighters he worked on.

  • 3980 C.R.C.

    26 /11

    From Slave to Gladiator
    Life, Relocation

    26 November 3980 C.R.C.
      Ten is sold to Vizakki the Zygerian who begins training him as a gladiator on Geonosis.  

  • 3981 C.R.C.

    10 /2

    Ten's First Gladiatorial Victory
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    10 February 3981 C.R.C.
      Ten attends and survives his first gladiator arena event.

  • 3981 C.R.C.

    19 /4

    K'rla Becomes a Padawan
    Life, Milestone

    19 April 3981 C.R.C.
      Jedi Knight Klameti selects K'rla to be her Padawan.   He passes the Jedi Initiate Trials on 24 April 3981 C.R.C.

  • 3981 C.R.C.

    24 /7

    Hera Becomes a Padawan
    Life, Milestone

    24 July 3981 C.R.C.
      Jedi Knight Aricor Colebri selects Hera Ohtani to be his Padawan.   She passes the Jedi Initiate Trials on 30 July 3981 C.R.C.

  • 3983 C.R.C.

    28 /7
    3985 C.R.C.

    2 /12

    Working on Doren's Pride
    Disaster / Destruction

    28 July 3983 C.R.C.
      Enkidu was given an offer aboard the Doren's Pride that he couldn't refuse. He spent the next two-and-a-half years aboard the vessel until it was hired to deliver mining equipment and credits to an asteroid mining facility that was under construction outside of the Ansion System. When Doren's Pride dropped out of hyperspace, it was ambushed by pirates.   It and the mining facility was completely destroyed.   Enkidu Ishtar-Sin manged to jettison into one of the escape pods and survive the attack.   Another freighter arrived on the scene with another load of equipment within a couple of days. Enkidu obtained passage on the vessel and began his long way back home to Taris.  

  • 3984 C.R.C.

    5 /8

    Tsock Seff becomes Self-Employed
    Life, Career

    5 August 3985 C.R.C.
      He parted ways with The Vipers and started to do jobs on his own. He did a few, but realized he was missing a gun man.  

  • 3985 C.R.C.

    19 /4

    The Clanless are Destroyed

    19 April 3985 C.R.C.
      A local cartel was being hit hard by leadership executions from The Clanless, so they hired a set under the guise of the Batuu government to sequester the help of The Clanless mandolorians. With support from the Republic, The Clanless were tricked and eradicated.   Not every Clanless was present; many were out on missions. Impressively, most of these were set-up by the cartel and the Republic. Most perished; Koth Atreides watched as his friend Banth Kondu was slain and was forced to flee.

  • 3986 C.R.C.

    6 /6

    Tsock Seff meets Koth Atreides
    Life, Career

    6 June 3986 C.R.C.
      Tsock Seff broke away from The Vipers and started to do jobs on his own. He did a few, but realized he was missing a gun man. That’s when he met Koth Atreides on Eriadu. They worked well together and have been doing jobs together ever since.

  • 3986 C.R.C.

    13 /8

    Aarux Relocates
    Life, Relocation

    13 August 3986 C.R.C.
      In pursuit of other goals, Aarux Peth leaves his home on Randon and heads across the galaxy to Takodana.  

  • 3987 C.R.C.

    4 /2

    Aarux's Second Convict
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    4 February 3987 C.R.C.
      Aarux Peth claims his second trophy after confronting a gray jedi guilty of several crimes on Takodana. He engaged in several bouts of melee combat; the first two the jedi proved too elusive to capture.   Aarux was prepared for their third encounter; the jedi fell into his trap and everything fell into place. The zabrak managed to overpower the jedi and render them unconscious. The jedi was tried and convicted; the yellow kyber crystal became the second in Aarux's collection.

  • 3987 C.R.C.

    31 /3

    Vizzaki's Compound Raid
    Criminal Activity

    31 March 3987 C.R.C.
      Vizzaki’s compound is raided by an unknown enemy, Ten is captured.  

  • 3987 C.R.C.

    13 /10

    The Cobalt Striker
    Life, Milestone

    13 October 3987
      Koth Atreides secures a loan to aid in acquiring The Cobalt Striker for 71,700 credits.   After 2 years of payments, he has an outstanding balance of 43,020 credits.   Tsock Seff has verbally agreed to help make these payments.

  • 3989 C.R.C.

    8 /9

    Flight from Alderaan
    Criminal Activity

    8 September 3989 C.R.C.
      Jedi Knight Aricor Colebri and Jedi Knight Klameti , mentors and masters to Hera Ohtani and K'rla respectively, had gone away on business.   The apprentices, nearing their test to become Jedi Knights themselves, stumbled upon their masters in a heated encounter with Jedi Master Looshen’Fel Ro and his apprentice Oijoctihe .   The altercation resulted in in the death of both Looshen'Fel Ro and Oijoctihe. Stunned and shocked, Hera and K'rla fled from their vantage point, stole Master Klameti's Skyward, a Defender-class mini light corvette, and fled Alderaan altogether.

  • 3989 C.R.C.

    11 /9

    Laying Low: A Smuggler Friend

    11 September 3989 C.R.C.
      K'rla and Hera Ohtani reach Anaxes, a planet close to Coruscant, and call on their ties with Hacholi No, their smuggler friend. They ditch Master Klameti's spaceship and flee with Hacholi, who's promised to take them to Batuu.  

  • 3989 C.R.C.

    24 /9 17:00

    A False Message
    Criminal Activity

    24 September 3989 C.R.C.
      Tsock Seff and Koth Atreides were given a mission to intercept and falsely modify a message being transmitted through a relay station on Cerea, outside of the city Crencerr.   They chartered a taxi to the mountain and hiked the rest of the way. A relay attendant by the name of Benbeau was manning the station. They threatened and tied the man up, Tsock amateurly received and relayed messages (they were transmitted via Morse code), nearly got into a firefight with some local guards, identified, mutated, and sent the malicious and target message, and started the long 30-mile hike back to Crencerr, having convinced Benbeau to join them.

  • 3989 C.R.C.

    2 /10

    Rumor Spreads
    Criminal Activity

    1 October 3989 C.R.C.
      Aarux Peth hears of the tragedy of Master Looshen’Fel Ro and his apprentice Oijoctihe at the hands of K'rla and Hera Ohtani while he is on Takodana.   He's able to gather from rumor that dopplegangers of the rogue apprentices just recently passed this way.

  • 3989 C.R.C.

    4 /10

    Taken by Pirates and Enslaved
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    4 October 3989 C.R.C.
      After having helped Hacholi No with the third and final smuggling job in a small field of asteroids outside of Batuu, Hacholi's vessel containing Hera Ohtani and K'rla was struck by a pirate boarding vessel.   The three were sold by the pirate, later known as Durosht, into slavery to the rattaki mogul her Ladyship Ayleycho Sildeeva and her half-brother Xakudj in their hovering palace above ground of their mining operation on Codia.   K'rla was trained by the weequay Okk Ok while Hera was trained by the devaronian Crilla Hek.

  • 3989 C.R.C.

    9 /11

    An Unnamed Jedi in Carbonite

    9 November 3989 C.R.C.
      As Hera Ohtani was performing her chores while Xakudj was offworld, she discovered a gallery inside the floating palace that she'd never come across before.   What she could only describe as the whisperings of the Force drew her to investigate. Careful not to trigger any alarms, Hera eventually discovered a man locked in carbonite hanging on one of the gallery walls.   An engraving was set onto the decoration; it read:  
    An Unamed Jedi. T.
      Peace filled her when she was within arms' length of this poor soul. Recognizing that now was not yet the time to free this man, Hera retreated, storing this information for a future opportunity.

  • 4 October 3989 C.R.C.

    11 November 3989 C.R.C.
      This is the current marker on the timeline.

    Additional timelines