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OCN-812 system

OCN-812 is a G-type star.  It has five planets and two asteroid belts.  Locally the OCN-812 system is called the Phorcys System.  The system has an active human presence.  Many interests come to the system for the rich mining potential in the asteroid belts, and the gas giants.  The two habitable worlds of Peredagon and Syren also attract visitors.   Orbits of OCN-812:
  1. The Hot Belt, the inner asteroid belt. Hot spot for mining ventures
  2. Peredagon, a large water world.
  3. Syren, a small volatile, windswept world.
  4. Leviathan, a gas giant with several moons
  5. Tiamat, a gas giant with several moons
  6. Lir, a rocky planet in an eccentric orbit.
  7. The Cold Belt, the outer asteroid belt. Has several dwarf planets, and some mining ventures.
Alternative Name(s)
Phorcys System
Star System
Included Locations

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