Balkaria Silentcaw

Ambassador Balkaria Silentcaw (a.k.a. Balk)

It is with surprise and some reluctance that Balkaria finds herself as head of the Stonewind Tribe. Though Chief in practice, she will often use her previous title of Ambassador; it is unclear whether this is a personal preference or a more politic choice.   Though of a curt and reserved nature, she is deeply invested the well-being of her community, going to great and tedious lengths to keep the village healthy and content.


Contacts & Relations

Balkaria's network of contacts is considerable, having spent her time in the tribe cultivating working relationships and favours. How far-reaching her influence is in fact is not something she discusses openly. She does, however, seem to have an uncanny knack for finding the right person, and the right leverage.

Family Ties

Born to an isolationist tribe, if any remain of her bloodline she has no knowledge of it. Not that she has been keen to go looking.

Religious Views

Considering the general spiritually of the Tauren people, and Stonewind's connection to its own spirits, one would think that its Chief would be of a spiritual nature. She is not. Though hardly atheistic, as to deny the existence of greater powers in this world would be ignorant at best, Balkaria takes a rather blunt approach to her own beliefs; if it is not causing her trouble, then it does not require an answer.

Balkaria is the current leader of Stonewind Tribe, well-versed in matters of politics, history, and culture alike. As Ambassador and Chief, she serves as the primary voice of the tribe, representing Stonewind on the Bluffs and advocating on their behalf.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ambassabor, Chief
The Barrens
Current Residence
Stonewind Village


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