The Salvaged Document


Asca finds a lead in a salvaged document, bringing it to Ambassador Balkaria, hoping she might have the right knowledge or connections to help him find out more.

Asca, a familiar visitor to the village, has been searching for a way to free his adoptive dad, a contractual thrall to a shady company in Orgrimmar. Finding a lead in a salvaged document, Asca brought the document to Ambassador Balkaria, hoping she might have the right knowledge or connections to help him find out more. This following RP took place after Balkaria made some inquiries and called Asca back to the Council Hut to share her findings.   The Ambassador would be sitting at the same temporary desk as last time, stuffed to one side of the spacious tent as to not ruin the ceremonial setup. She had sent a runner to find Asca, assuming he was still staying in the inn. The Honor Guard out front would wave him through immediately upon arrival.   Asca arrived without much fuss, though out of his usual adventuring gear. Clothed in casual wear of pandaren make, it was easy to presume he had not been working during the harrowing week it took to wait for the Ambassador's response.   "Hey." He says casually as he walks in, though his demeanor betrays he is simply trying to keep calm. "Ya got somethin' on em?" He asked, maybe a little more eager than he intended "Havin' a weird shark emblem like that on their documents is almost screamin' to be recognized." He mouthed off as he approached the desk at last.   "Companies rarely keep their subtly as they grow bolder," she says, getting up from her desk. She gestures to on of the large sitting mats at the center of the room. She would take the one opposite from it. "Branding, I believe it's called. But this company has gone to some effort to keep its branding as filled with rumored as possible." She places a few scrolls next to her; references should they be needed. "I will start by saying I have not found your father. I am sorry, but the lengths that will require went beyond my casual inquires."   Asca's ears droop, his expression dimming. "I see..." He says while taking a seat. He took a deep breath as he sat, though disappointed, there was also relief, an answer at last.   "So... what now then? Should I go back to orgrimmar? Get to askin' around or somethin'. Maybe the folks at the dump where I found the contract? Or... try askin' around for the person in the contract?" He ponders openly, not giving up just yet.   "I did not say the inquiry was fruitless," the Ambassador interjects when there is a pause in his pondering. "The company calls themselves the Iron Sharks. Hardly a subtle name. The company dates back to Kezan, though lacks the size or influence of the true cartels. You do not face a juggernaut, it would seem. That may make your quest simpler."   Asca pauses to listen, then scoffs at the mention of the name. "Seemin' a little pretentious for a buncha no-names." He mentions as he thinks. "Well, some good news at least... though ya say 'may' make it simpler?" He points out, a little uneasy.   "It is an issue of resources. Not yours, but theirs. A smaller company will have limited resources with which to fight back, figuratively and perhaps literally. However, a smaller company will value its existing assets much more highly than a larger one. If your father remains indentured to them, losing him would represent a significant loss. They may go to greater lengths to prevent such a loss."   That seems to get the short bull riled up as his ears flick and he furrows his brow. "Well, they shoulda considered their 'investments' better... Aint stoppin' till I bust open their nonsense and get back my dad." He reassures her with a chuff   "What should we do from here ya think?" He asks, calming down slightly.   She gives him a pensive look. "I suppose that will depend on you. I have done what can be done without drawing attention. From here, any further steps will have risk. Even simply asking the wrong question of the wrong person could greatly complicate your path." She sits back a bit, rubbing her chin as she continues. "And then there is Stonewind. You are known here, Asca, but you are not of the tribe. I can only afford you resources so far as it does not draw risk to the village. I am not terribly concerned, given the small status of these "Sharks", that any even modest danger will be drawn here. With that said, The Iron Sharks are with the Horde. Grudgingly, if the rumours are to be believed, but that they have the protections of Orgrimmar makes formal Stonewind involvement potentially complicated."   Something suddenly seems to dawn on him. "Ya think they could recognize me? That why I've had so much trouble findin' a lead?" He leaves the desk and begins to pace. "Askin' the wrong person... What if it's been the wrong person makin'the questions?" He pauses mid pace, looking over to Balkaria.   "You are rather.....distinctive looking," she concedes, her eyes lingering on the horns that practically made up half the bull. "It would not surprise me. Sending someone on your behalf, either by favour or by hire, would likely yield better results. Or you could make a formal petition to Orgrimmar; a legal option over boots on the ground. That presents its own challenges, however, and may alert the company that eyes are on them." She sighs. "I can advise you on these matters, and can submit the necessary paperwork should you need to pursue this as a legal matter. But I am unsure of how practical my help alone will be."   Asca gives her a coy smile, though more pressing matters seem to keep his impulses in check. "Yeah... I got some friends 'round the village, maybe askin' around if anyone wants to help could work."   "It is worth making inquiries, here and in the capitol. However, Asca, I must ask that you try your best not to put those from Stonewind in an imposition? It would not do for anyone to act rashly in this situation, and we do have those with a history of such." One could practically see the PTSD from previous experiences dancing behind her eyes.   "Been waitin' years for a chance like this, Ambassador. Ain't throwin' it away just ta save me some time now." He reassures her with a smile. "Whatcha say I fetch some folks who seem interested and bring em to ya for another meetin' like this?" He asks with a quirked eyebrow.   "I believe that would be wise," she answers simply, though there is a hair of uncertainty on her brow. "I understand what this means to you. Speak to who you may. If there are those that volunteer, I can see to it that they understand what they may be facing."   "Yeah? You're doin' me a great favor... Balkaria." He says, briefly foregoing the official titles. "Gimme a couple of days ta see who comes with." He says, motioning to leave. "I appreciate it." He finally says with a smile as he makes to leave, no doubt more Pandaren treats would find their way to her desk.   Balkaria raises a hand in farewell, returning to her desk. Once she was alone again, she would sigh, pulling out a stack of papers to begin filling out forms. "Just in case....." she mutters to herself.

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