Stonewind Village relocates to Mulgore

Population Migration / Travel


After facing hardships after the World Wound and the conclusion of the Fourth War, the tribe brokers a treaty with Thunderbluff, granting them lands in Mulgore. The village is relocated, giving the ancestral Stonewind lands time to heal and replenish in their absence.

After the World Wound, Stonetalon Mountains saw geological and ecological shifts that hindered the tribe's ability to sustain itself. Coupled with the effects of the Fourth War, remaining in the ancestral home of the tribe was beginning to become a struggle in its own right. When Thunderbluff reached out to the neutral tribes of Kalimdor, offering land and aid in enchange for political assistance, Chieftess Palehorn accepted. The move and re-establishment of the village in Mulgore would span over the course of almost a year, all but the most stubbornly rooted structures being pulled up and hauled across the plains to their new home. See The Neutral Summit for the events leading up to the decision.

Related timelines & articles
History of the Modern Stonewind Tribe