History of the Modern Stonewind Tribe

Any major and minor events in Stonewind's history that take place after Paukala reforms the tribe (ie. during the guild's existence).

  • 10032 PS

    Second Moon of Spring

    Pau'kala Stonewind reforms the tribe

    Pau'kala Stonewind takes the mantle of Chieftess for the tribe after her father's death, breaking its isolation and reforming it into an amalgamated community.

  • 10032 PS

    Third Moon of Summer

    Stonewind Village is re-established in central Stonetalon Mountains
    Population Migration / Travel

    Having secluded thenselves away in the caves of Stonetalon for the last generation, Paukala relocates the tribe to one of its ancestral valleys to establish a new village.

  • 10032 PS

    Second Moon of Fall

    Taeana Palehorn becomes the new Chieftess
    Political event

    After the re-establishment of Stonewind Village in Stonetalon Mountains, Paukala Stonewind steps down as leader of the Stonewind Tribe, passing the mantle to Taeana Palehorn. Taeana would further open the tribe to outsiders, seeing the first non-Tauren join the tribe in its history.

  • 10032 PS

    Third Moon of Fall

    The Legion Returns
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Burning Legion invades, and the Broken Isles open.

  • 10032 PS

    First Moon of Winter

    Stonewind begins to distance itself from Thunderbluff
    Diplomatic action

    With the appointment of the Banshee Queen as the new leader of the Horde, Stonewind and other neutral tribes start to insulate themselves from Thunderbluff to prevent political strife.

  • 10033 PS

    Third Moon of Spring

    Khaladia Everbloom comes to Stonewind
    Life, Relocation

    The deathknight, Khaladia Everbloom, comes to the village for the first time.

  • 10033 PS

    First Moon of Winter

    The Highmountain Tauren Join the Horde
    Diplomatic action

    The Highmountain tribe formally allies with the Horde.

  • 10034 PS

    Second Moon of Winter

    The Fouth War
    Military: War

    The war between the Horde and the Alliance begins anew with the burning of Teldrassil.

  • 10034 PS

    Third Moon of Spring

    Thunderbluff begins to reestablish ties to the Neutral Tribes
    Diplomatic action

    With the ousting of the Bashee Queen, and the conclusion of the war, Thunderbluff begins to try and mend diplomatic ties with the neutral tauren tribes of Kalimdor, including Stonewind.

  • 10034 PS

    First Moon of Summer

    Stonewind Village relocates to Mulgore
    Population Migration / Travel

    After facing hardships after the World Wound and the conclusion of the Fourth War, the tribe brokers a treaty with Thunderbluff, granting them lands in Mulgore. The village is relocated, giving the ancestral Stonewind lands time to heal and replenish in their absence.

  • 10034 PS

    First Moon of Winter

    Across the Veil
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The dead rise again and a disruption in the Shadowlands is found to be to blame. The knights of the Ebon Blade are ordered to muster and address the issue. The assault does not go to plan, and word reaches Stonewind that a likely rescue must be mounted to retrieve their friend.

  • 10035 PS

    Second Moon of Summer

    Ghoul Attack
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    With the veil shattered, undead active on Azeroth continues to rise. Mulgore, though less affected than other regions, sees a spike in necromatic activity late one night. Risen corpses can be seen shambling aimless across the plains, though not in such numbers that the shamans of the area cannot bring the situation under control.   Travelers are quickly ushered off the travel paths to the nearest safe areas, Stonewind Village seeing many visitors take refuge within their borders. Though there are a few scares and close calls, the dawn comes without apparent incident.

  • 10039 PS

    Third Moon of Fall

    Balkaria becomes new Chieftess (Ambassador)
    Political event

    Wishing to refocus her efforts on the cultural aspects of the tribe, along with growing family obligations, Taeana steps down as Chieftess, passing the mantle to Balkaria Silentcaw.

  • 10040 PS

    1 Third Moon of Fall
    10042 PS

    Second Moon of Summer

    Discovery, Exploration

    The Dragon Isles become known to the world. The dragons are called back to the rediscovered homeland, with explores and adventures joining the pilgramage to the once lost isles. The Dracthyr are freed from their statis, as is the ancient Primal Incarnate Raz'agath.

  • 10040 PS

    3 Third Moon of Fall

    Lizards Incoming
    Diplomatic action

    A few dracthyr find their way to the village, causing some excitment.

  • 10040 PS

    14 Third Moon of Fall
    10040 PS

    14 First Moon of Winter

    Adventurers Depart: First Wave of Stonewind on the Isles

    Curious about the Dragon Isles, a small number of adventures from Stonewind take the general invitation from the Dragons and the Dragonscale Expedition to go explore this new land. A few shamans depart to investigate the Primalists and the unusual behaviours of the Elements in general.

  • 10040 PS

    7 First Moon of Winter

    The Spiritwalker Takes a Walk

    A well-known shaman and spiritwalker, Harutho Oxenhead, makes the journey to the Dragon Isles at the behest of his elemental familiars.

  • 10041 PS

    21 Second Moon of Winter

    The Search for the Spiritwalker

    Concerned that Spiritwalker Oxenhead has been out of contact for over a month, and steps taken to locate him remotely having failed, a secondary wave of Stonewind adventures make their way to the Isles, including Ambassador Balkaria herself, to locate the missing shaman.

  • 10041 PS

    1 First Moon of Spring

    The Dragon's "Lair"
    Discovery, Exploration

    A group of younglings stumble upon a cave that appears to belong to a dragon in hiding. After some shenanigans, the fanfair dies down, and one youngling is left with questions about a family friend.