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Session 02 : Goblin Attacks near Kilderhide Part 2 Report

General Summary

The Adventurers made their way to the final room on the floor of the fort. Howl Pendragon peeked under the door and could see what appeared to be the kitchen and the sounds of goblin feet. Howl Pendragon quickly went over to one of the dead goblins and removed the fingers. He pushed the fingers slightly under the door and in his best goblin voice asked for help. A goblin voice responds "I can't help I'm the cook". Luthar The Just kicked open the door. The goblin on the other side went jumping back as the party burst in. Harstork Dewgaze swang hard and low with his sword and sliced the goblin clean in two.   Searching the room Rolen Galanodel found a silver idol. Thazarr De'jassan looked over the idol and confirmed it to be an idol of the god Mystra Goddess of Magic. They also found a stash of Apples and Beets. But no signs of the finest cookery wares.   Rolen losing interest in the discussion of the idol heads for the stairs. The rest of the part follows quickly after him. Before heading up the stairs Rolen turns to Luthar and using his druid skills places his hands covered in a mossy balm on Luthar's wounds and heals them. Harstork Dewgaze seeing what Rolen has done demanded the healing touch as well. But Rolen Galanodel refused and said "I can cast only but one spell today".   The party headed up the spirals stone steps eating their apples and soon found themselves on a large stretch of landing with large double doors in front of them with two rusted suits of armour on either side of the door. Howl Pendragon again quickly peeked under the door and could make out two fireplaces on either side of the room and cast in the shadow of the far side he could make out a large figure behind two tables with several large objects stacked behind him.   Howl Pendragon Knocked on the door....... "Who is it a deep voice calls outs," Howl responded in his best Goblin voice. "We have some intruders downstairs". "Yes, I heard the racket, Who is it?" called out the deep voice. "err Some group of idiots" replied Howl. "Well get rid of dem" demanded the figure on the other side of the door. Howl Pendragon maintaining his goblin voice responded "They have taken out half already, We need help sir please.". "Very well come in the door is unlocked" commanded the deep voice. Howl turned to Luthar The Just and mouthed his feelings on there situation.   The party decide to best approach was to charge in. Bursting open the door Luthar The Just charged in. Behind the table is a goblin three times larger than the other, wielding a wooden bucker and large curved blade. Two spikes with skulls on are attached to his back. Behind him, there were large piles of merchant goods. "Who the hell are you" Commanded the goblin as he stood up to reveal his full hight. Harstork Dewgaze responded "Do you not know who I am!". Luthar The Just shouted "We are vengeance!". "Well Vengeance, my name is Oit Kruncha and this is my fort.". Oit Krunchah leaps over the table as Luthar The Just charges forward.   Thazarr De'jassan rushed into the room and reached out with a clawed hand as he cast Hex upon Oit Krunchah. Luthar The Just swings his sword might and true but Oit bashes the below away with his bucket. Harstork Dewgaze storms ford, "I will show you how this done!" he shouted. His long sword swings hard but once again Oit swings the buckler across and blocks the blow. The party new at this point this was going to be harder than they thought. Rolen Galanodel charged in but light underfoot casting Shillelagh onto his club. And without missing a step Rolen clutching the club tight in his hands swing hard and fast towards Oit and lands a mighty blow into the face of Oit Krunchah. His nose bloodied and fangs chipped Oit let out a mighty roar and grunt of pain and anger. Howl Pendragon enters the fray, but with the close combat entanglement of his companions, he cannot get a clear view to casting his firebolt and instead casts Light upon his dagger. Oit Krunchah lifts his blade aloft and brings it down striking Rolen Galanodel  but due to Rolens prior blow his depth perception is offer and slashes across Rolen's chest but it only just penetrates his armour. Thazarr De'jassan Moves in closer to get a clear view of Oit, He begins to cast Tole The Dead as he points his hand towards Oit and the sound of a Bell rings out in the room, But Oit is hardened by time and only slightly weakened Oit but shrugs the pain off. Luthar The Just Swings towards Oit's head but again Oit is able to block with the buckler but a large chunk is removed from the shield. Harstork Dewgaze grips his long sword tight and strings down arching towards Oit's left arm, Smashing through the buckler and landing deep into Oit and slicing clean through removing the Left arm cleanly off. Alive but bleeding out quickly Oit spits into Harstock's face. Howl Pendragon moves to a clear view of Oit and send a firebolt hurtling towards Oit but Oit bucklers down due to the blood loss and the firebolt just nearly misses Thazarr De'jassan and lands into the fireplace. Oit Krunchah musters his last ounces of strength and lashes forward towards Harstock but trips and collapses onto the floor and bleeds out. Thazarr De'jassan walks over to Oit slowly and casts Tole The Dead and sucks the last breaths of life out of Oit Krunchah as head kneels in close to listen to the last breath leave his lungs.    The party then catches there breath and starts to search the room, Rolen Galanodel finds a map marking locations in the surrounding areas and appears to mark the locations of the goblin attacks and raids. Harstork Dewgaze plunges his hands deep into the open chest of gold, only to find that the majority of that chest if filled with clothes, 200 Gold coins covering the top of the clothes. The group decided to assign Howl Pendragon as the group Treasurer. They find more fine merchant items along with several metal locked chest. Luthar The Just opens the wooden chest and inside finds the finest cookery ware he has ever seen belonging to Gamin Hammermail. Howl Pendragon searches the body of Oit Krunchah and upon him find a scroll pouch much cleaner than the rest of his clothing and open the scroll to find a list of locations with a crude line under each one. He notes the broken seal on the parchment matches the same one on there patrolling duty instructions handed to them by Leofrick Darkdraft  The party spends the next hour and a half moving the chests from the fort to the cart parked at the fork in the road. Gamin Hammermail hands over the bow Thazarr De'jassan gave him but there majority of the party are unwelcoming to Gamin, Luthar The Just hands over the fines cookery wares. The party try to convince Gamin to help them smuggle the goods back into the city to keep them for them selves. But the plan falls flat due to several members of the party sticking to there Lawful ways. They then decide to head back to Kilderhide and hand over the recovered goods to the City Guard.    After hours of travel they soon arrive back at the city gates of Kilderhide. The guards on the gates stop them and ask their business, The group inform them of there patrol duty and victories and the guards let them in and instruct them to head straight to the City Guard Barracks. Arriving at the barracks they are instructed to pull the cart over and head inside and upstairs to speak with Leofrick Darkdraft. The group enter the barracks and take in its rich and warm interior as they are spotted by two guards in eveningwear sitting in large leather seats who return to there conversation after a moments pause. The part heads upstairs and is stoped by a guard standing watch outside a set of large doors. The group inform this guard of there duties and are given access into Leofrick Darkdraft rooms.    As the party entered the room they can see Leofrick Darkdraft is sitting at the table in the middle of the well-furnished and warm room and speaking with another man who has his back to them. Leofrick looks over and acknowledges the group as they wait by the door. The conversation starts to wrap up and Leofrick nods to the gentle in the chair as he stands up, As the man turns around the part recognise him as Lord Kelvin Boulderdown ruler of Kilderhide city. Kelvin greets the party and apologies for keeping them waiting. He informs them he has been discussing the Patrols and the party inform them they are the last patrol in and there victories in the forest. He bids them all a good night and informs Leofrick Darkdraft he can keep his title of Head of the City Guard. Leofrick Darkdraft now alone with the party greets them into the room. The party inform them of there findings and place the map and scroll onto the table. He asked them to leave these with him and in return, they can take half of the recovered goods. Unsure of his motives the group decided to not take the offer and instead will return in the morning with the map and scroll. But with the intention of informing Kelvin first as they feel Leofrick Darkdraft might be more involved or up to no good.    The group leave and head to the Hooked Salmon to take up the board for the night. Upon arriving at the inn they are treated by Igoc Greenhill the inn keeper who after hearing of there duties and victories offers them a room and food free of charge for the night. The group eat well and settle down for the night.    The group are awoken in the morning by the crashing entrance of city guard barging into the room and binding the party members in shackles and informing they have been arrested for collusion with goblins and grab the map and scroll as evidence. They are marched to the cells in the basement of the barracks and locked together in a single cell. After several hours of waiting the door opens and enter Leofrick Darkdraft and Lord Kelvin Boulderdown with two guards and two wizards. They are confronted with the evidence and Howl Pendragon tried to convince Lord Kelvin Boulderdown of there innocence and tells them there story. Lord Kelvin Boulderdown wants to believe them but needs proof and asks for the name of the Dwarf the saved from the Goblins to confirm there side of the story. But no one could remember the name of the dwarf. Lord Kelvin Boulderdown with a heavy hard confirmed the sentence of death by handing at midday. Leofrick Darkdraft turns his head and smirks at the party as he leaves with Lord Kelvin Boulderdown and the guards and wizards.    Residing to there fait and awaiting there final meal the group sit and wait for the mid day to come. After a few hours, they hear the door open to the room and they hear the squeaking wheels of a cart and the rattle of plates and bowls. "Good day gentlemen." The party looked up to this familiar voice. It was Gamin Hammermail with there final meal. Unhappy with there not know his name still. The party pleads with him to help. Gamin Hammermail hands over the meals and turns to the guard and walks down and hands the guard his food. The group sit down and start to eat their final meals and wishing they knew his name. They soon hear a crash at the end of the hall and the sound of speaking trolley cart returning. "Very well gentleman the guard is asleep", Gaming informs them he has seen these cell types before. And pushed the handles of the trolley under the cell door and pushing down on the trolley and lifts the cell door off the hinges and it crashes down onto the floor. Howl Pendragon kisses Gamin on the head and he informs them there belongs are still at the Inn. Luther quick dons the guard's tabard and helmet and grabs his sword. Pretending to lead the party members to the gallows he shoves them out of the barracks and into the crowd gathering for the handing. As they reach the halfway point the make a run for the Inn and lucky for them the crowd was blocking the guards as they spotted them and chased them.    They arrived at the inn and Igoc coming from the back spots them and puts down the barrel and gestures for them to head into the back. He gestured to several patrols to block the door. Igoc arrived in the back of the inn and pulls barrels out of the way and reveals a trap door with steps leading down. The party head down into the hidden room and when the lamps are turned on the room is filled with adventuring equipment. Igoc Greenhill pulls some lock picking tools from a box and releases the shackles from there wrists and points them to there belonging piled up on the floor. The party get dressed and compose themselves for a moment. Igoc heads over to one of the racks and pulls back the equipment and reveals a small door. He opens the door and informs them to follow the path and it will lead them to the outer limits of the city. Howl Pendragon asks how they can ever repay Igoc and he simply asks for when he one day becomes an adventure like them they have an adventure waiting for him.    The party squeeze down the dark passage and Rolen casts fire and lights the way. After some time they find the end of the tunnel and find themselves on the river bank heading towards Leviathan Lake. Breathing the fresh air the party discuss there next move and decided to head onto Heagrove.
Tales From Around The Fire
Luthar The Just
Neutral Good Human ()
Paladin 1
12 / 12 HP
Harstork Dewgaze
Neutral Human (Noble)
Fighter 2
20 / 20 HP
Howl Pendragon
Neutral Good Human ()
Wizard 2
18 / 18 HP
Rolen Galanodel
Lawful Good Wood Elf (Haunted One)
19 / 19 HP
Thazarr De'jassan
Lawful Neutral Human (Acolyte)
Warlock 2
17 / 17 HP
Player Journals
From the frying pan into the fire... by Thazarr De'jassan
A chance meeting by Thazarr De'jassan
Report Date
17 Feb 2021

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