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Wed 3rd Mar 2021 10:31

From the frying pan into the fire...

by Thazarr De'jassan

As anticipated, this ragtag bunch of 'Adventurers' (I am loathe to use that word...) have dragged me down with them. Duped by that blasted watchman, a pox on him! Who knows what vile master he serves, if not himself..
Thrown in the brig after a sorry excuse for a trial hope began to desert me, my companions and I were due to be executed for treasonous crimes and our innocence was hitherto unproven. Fortune had not fled for long however as an unexpected ally appeared, the old Dwarf we rescued from the goblins was in fact under the employ of the town guard and as court chef was to serve us our last meal! It didn't take us long to convince him we'd been framed for the goblin attacks and he deftly liberated us from our incarceration.
I accepted the ruse that Rollen suggested and as a group we snuck out from the gaol and fled from the now alerted guards.
I ran with my companions to the inn from where we were snatched, there the Halfling proprietor Mr Greenhill showed us to a secret tunnel that ran from a hidden room filled with adventuring gear, apparently he was envious of the adventuring lifestyle - the fool wouldn't last a day in the wild. Nonetheless we escaped with our hides intact, the mystery of what transpired left behind us, unanswered for now, but if my suspicions are correct, I will return to root out whatever evil resides within Kilderhide...