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Session 03 : The Kobolds Mine Report

General Summary

On there travels the group heard from a traveling bard that the Moddifell Mines have been overrun with Kobolds. Hearing this the party decided they might have an opportunity for some heroic actiones and more importantly of gold.    After making camp for the night the group soon awake in the moring to find Howl Pendragon had packed up and had left camp. Leaving only a note he would meet them at Moddifell  The group set out and soon found themselves entering the Town of Moddifell. They headed to the Rock n Ard place Tavern run by Arvin Flintgranite, Upon entering Harstork Dewgaze announced is arrival to the room. The room did not acknowledge his announcement and that hurt more than any physical wound. Thazarr De'jassan moved over to the bar and spoke with Flintgranite and asked if there are any miners they could speak with. Gesturing to the room Flintgranite said, "Take your pick, all miners in here".   Looking around a group of dwarven miners gesture for the party to join them at their table. After sitting down the group where introduced as Urdur Underfury, Fari Graybelt, Funda Hardcloak and Gili Bloodgrip. Urdur told the party of the Kobolds overrunning the mine and that they are being led by a dragon and causing all kinds of cave-ins. The group noticed the younger male dwarf Fari was fidgeting a lot. Harstork Dewgaze decided it would be a good moment to mock the dwarves for their bad building quality if the mines were caving in. The room grew thick with the intense stairs of the dwarves about to erupt in the room in anger. Luckily the rest of the party were able to calm the situation qucikly. After further discussion, Urdur pointed the group in the direction of the town hall to speak with the Mayor.    Heading down the road the group soon found the Town Hall sitting proudly in the middle of the town with the large Moddifell banners standing proud in the wind. Two town guards stood on the door and upon hearing the group wanted to speak with the mayor to offer their help the guards let them in. They entered into the main meeting hall of the building and could see a very well-dressed Dwarf addressing several members of the town's guard. He gestured them away and the group approached. Duli Graybelt soon put the talk of a dragon to bed and inform the group that the fidgeting dwarf is his younger brother who is obsessed with stories and legends and hangs out with similar-minded dwarves.    The discussion went on and after some time the mayor decided he would take the group up on their offer but would not spare any of the valuable miners in the town to help them and asked for them to only worry about clearing the main entrance chamber of the mines. He would reward each of them 100 Gold pieces as well as a fine crafted Dwarven Weapon or Armour.    The party quickly set off and Thazarr De'jassan had the cunning idea to use the mine carts to get up the hill quicker and not waste their energy on the walk. Stocking up on torches and lanterns at the local store the group headed to the processing plant in town and started the cart train off and quickly hopped in.    Reaching the top of the hill Thazarr De'jassan was the first to notice the tracks had been blocked leading into the mine by rocks and rubble dumped onto the tracks. He quickly hopped out the card and tried to signal the others. All but Harstork Dewgaze made a smooth exit from their cart, Harstork was not as graceful and almost stumbled forward but managed to stop himself before falling onto his face.   Searching the surrounding area the group found the sign for the mines had been scratched and "Kobolds Mine!" painted in blood covering it. Thazarr found the stores nearby and found the blasting powder had all but been drained from the barrels. He took what little remained and placed it into small bags.    They regrouped and entered the mine. After what seemed like a long walk descending into the earth the group soon come to the start of the main opening. Before they could fully take in the surroundings they could hear someone or something approaching from the left passage way. Stepping from the shadows was a Kobold swinging up its sling. The group engaged and make quick work of striking down the Kobold and follow down the left champer passage. A short work soon found them entering the large opening of the same chamber and were met by a Kobold Shaman along with three Kobold workers. The shaman began shaking his staff and chanting as smoke and powder began to shoot from the staff. The Kobold works rush towards the adventures. Luthar The Just Jumped in front of his companions and raised his shed to protect them. But before his very eyes, the group charged around him and engaged the Kobolds. Harstork struck at the first kobold and missed landing his sword crashing into a stone pillar. Rollen wound up his clubbing arm and cast shillelagh upon it and struck at a Kobold. Thazarr cast hexes and spells upon the sham and the other Kobolds. Luthar quickly lowered his defending stance and jumped to Harstocks aid and attacked the Kobold. Harstork seeing this swung high and hard and sliced into the kobold and it felt limp and dead upon the stone pillar. Rollen and Uther turned their attention to the shaman who just cast fire from the staff narrowly missing them. The shaman took many blows and spells but after much fighting soon fell to its needs and collapsed onto the floor. The party-starting to feel the strain of battle started taking blows from the remaining two kobolds working as a tag team. As the tides were starting to turn in the Kobolds favor a bright light came beaming down from the entranceway and the sounds of running.    Howl Pendragon had arrived and ran to the aid of his party members. Upon doing so and trying to cast burning hands and producing a bright light lost focus on his foot and stumbled, casting his spell at the same time. Luckily from his bright light, the group did not notice this as the flames shot forward and torched the two kobolds to death.    After filling in Howl on the deal with the Mayor the group decided to take the left northern passageway to the east. After working through the small single-file passageway they came out into a small carved room and cornered by two large Dragonscale Kobold warriors. The group engaged them but these Kobolds were much stronger than the last ones. Harstork and Luthars blows were being blocked by their scaled shields and the close quarters battle made spells hard to cast well. Rollen was able to land a mighty blow to the head of one of the Kobolds knocking it to the ground, in the same moment Harstork was wounded badly on the left side by the polearm of the Kobold. Blooded and feeling beat the group questioned if they would make it out of these mines at all. It was in this moment the mightiest of roars and growls echoed through the mine and shook the walls and floor. Was that the sound of a Dragon?
Tales From Around The Fire
Luthar The Just
Neutral Good Human ()
Paladin 1
12 / 12 HP
Harstork Dewgaze
Neutral Human (Noble)
Fighter 2
20 / 20 HP
Howl Pendragon
Neutral Good Human ()
Wizard 2
18 / 18 HP
Rolen Galanodel
Lawful Good Wood Elf (Haunted One)
19 / 19 HP
Thazarr De'jassan
Lawful Neutral Human (Acolyte)
Warlock 2
17 / 17 HP
Player Journals
The road paved with gold by Thazarr De'jassan
Report Date
06 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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