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Thu 4th Mar 2021 03:29

The road paved with gold

by Thazarr De'jassan

The road to Moddifell, fraught with idle conversation and impetuous company. Would that it wasn't necessary but one mustn't grumble eh? A travelling Bard, passed us on a hillocks rise and told tale of danger ahead, Kobolds within the mines of Moddifell.
We arrived somewhat unexpectedly amidst a tavern full of miners. Blasted Dwarves! Rambunctious and stubborn, as expected. Gave little to us except stale rumour and staler conversation. Fears of some beast that slumbers beneath the earth. The Mayor, over yonder would tell us more I trust and we parlayed briefly with the town guard before being granted an audience.
The Mayor, He seemed a little stouter of character than those we had met thus far, and offered us payed employ should we succeed in clearing their caves of the threat that has ground their economy to a halt. Greed is indeed a catalyst for change. And after agreeing a fee, beast or-no, we would see the task done.
We travelled light, astride a cart track leading to the Moddifell Mines in the foothills of the surrounding land, on arrival it was clearly vandalised, a pitiful sight, but one cant be too underprepared, to wit I managed to scavenge up some blasting powder in case the task ahead needed something a little more heavy duty.
Entering we were immediately set upon by a gang of kobold vermin protecting their Shaman, weak willed creatures, they fell like chaff before the sickle and we bore down deeper into the mine the adrenaline flooding our veins. More kobolds, their warrior elite (yet just as susceptible to our might) blocked the route ahead. We engaged them in combat just the same... but as we did so, the foundations of the earth began to quake....