Human Languages
Imperial Languages
The following list is, if not comprehensive, at the least a summary of the most common languages that are spoken within the Akregian Empire. The majority of these have heavy roots in the draconic language, though some (such as jaendren and Tizuma) are heavily influenced by other languages (jotun and fiendish, respectively).Common
Full ArticleAkregian
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As the official language of the Akregian Empire, akregian is the language with which most readers will be familiar. Nearly every citizen of the empire is fluent in akregian, or at the very least has a conversational grasp of the language. It is also one of the three major contributors to the common language, a pidgin language that combines vocabulary and syntax from akregian, ogrian, and seston.
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The primary language spoken in Espiria, this language was described as "the most romantic language" in an imperial almanac written by an anonymous author.
Full ArticleTizuma
Full ArticleUkrulan
Full ArticleNon-Imperial Languages
Full ArticleDead Languages
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Often used as a catch-all term for any number of linguistic branches that existed between old high draconic and the earliest known human languages, "proto-human" is not technically a language in itself. Most often, the term is used as a stand-in for some unknown or unconfirmed language which forms the cornerstone for an academic theory.
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