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Alnadrian (Al-Nah-Dree-En)

Resilant defenders of their ancestral home, Alnadrians are distant cousins to Rhadrians, but instead of fleeing their homeland Valdria, the Alnadrians of old chose to stay and defend what little remains of their realm. As a people they collect and defend relics and important locations of old, from before the fall of Valdria, even the ancestral barrows.   Alnadrian in their elder tongue means "Men who stayed", This is the title and role they took on when half of what remained of the population of Valdria fled the lands, becoming the Rhadrians or "Men who left". During their generations they survived and struck back against The Eternal Court's forces by keeping to low group numbers and constantly moving around the land, few locations are kept as permanent residences most being ruined cities of Valdria or old fortifications.   Alnadrians are natural survivalist and friend to the Elves of Grendina, Alnadrians stand stalwart against the dark forces of The Eternal Court.  

Player Character Option

  Ability Score Increase - Your Wisdom and Constitution score increases by 1, and two other ability score of your choice by 1.   Age - Alnadrians reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.   Fearless Defenders - Having face the unnatural denizens of The Eternal Court for all their lives, Alnadrians stand resolute where others would falter. You have advantage on saving throws against fear, and may still move up to half your speed toward the source of your fear when frightened.   Languages - You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Alnadrians typically learn dwarvish or elvish.   Rugged Survivalists - Living within the forests of Valdria for generations has given you the knowledge to thrive in nature. You gain proficiency in the the Survival skill.   Size - Alnadrians like most humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.   Speed - Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


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