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Ateus/Sueta, God/Goddess of Peace

Unique among the gods, Ateus and Sueta are both two separate gods and one and the same. Often time Ateus is attributed as a male god that watches over peaceful Death and rest while Sueta is attributed as a female god that brings Life and contentment.  

Divine Domains

  Ateus' domain is within funerals, peaceful death.   Sueta's Domain is within Birth, Life, and marriage.   Clerics of Ateus' and Sueta are often Grave, Life or Peace Domains   Paladin's of Ateus' and Sueta often take Oaths of Redemption and Devotion  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  Ateus and Sueta share a symbol of a image of a praying humanoid that is half closed eye gaunt male and a opened eyed, often chubby, woman in a green dress.  

Tenets of Faith

  As in Life, So in Death. Followers of the Dual God believe that your moral quality of your life dictates your end and what lay beyond and thus seek to live and influence others to live pious and righteous lives.   Balance of Life and Death. Those who seek to extend their life unnaturally or seek to end other lives before their time must be corrected.   Unbroken Union. Your word is your law, agreements, unions, oaths and pledges must always be upheld and never taken lightly.  


  Ateus and Sueta are generally worshiped in all the realms as the concepts of life and death transcend all cultures and believes. Their role and history among the pantheon is fairly uneventful, or so the scrolls say. However with the loss of Valdria and the rise of the undead ranks of the Eternal Court, many devout to the Dual God have made their way to the Sunless Realm to bring balance to life and death once more.


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