BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


It is assumed, unless other wise stated in game, that between adventures players are recuperating and prepping for future adventures. This is represented with a one week break between adventures. Within the week Players may engage in a number of actives including but not limited to -
  • Crafting (Professions like Alchemy and Blacksmithing assuming access to a lab or workshop)
  • Low to middle scale Crimes
  • Gambling
  • Pit Fighting
  • Relaxing
  • Religious Service
  • Research (Both Lore research and Spell crafting)
  • Scribing Spell scrolls
  • Learn a language
  • Gain Proficiency in a Tool
  • Manual Labor
To keep things simple it is assumed when taking these down times you are focusing on this task for the entire week, unless otherwise adjudicated by the DM.  When pursing a downtime activity, you must inform the DM the specific activity and gain confirmation from the DM.  


  Generally crafting an item requires both time, gold, and rolling a crafting check based on the type of craft done a number of times until the item is completed.  

Spell Research

  Magic in the Sunless Realms is dangerous, barely understood, and chaotic.   Wizards and any class that allows them to learn from spell books and scrolls may use their down time to do personal spell research and potentially learn or make new spells.     When researching a spell you must spend 100 gold and 1 week of research per spell level, during this down time you must make a Intelligence (Arcana) skill challenge and make 3 successes before 3 failures per week.  DC = 10 + double the spells level.   On a success you learn/make a new spell. On a failure you must roll a d100 to see if a chaotic mishap occurs, every spell level causes the chance to increase by 10%.   Regardless of outcome the gold is expended.


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