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Elves of the Sunless Realms

Before the first ships of men arrived on the shores of the Sunless Realm, the land was was populated by wardens of balance and harmony, The Elves of Grendina. Their features fair and impossibly beautiful, these creatures walked and danced among the animals and trees of the land in perfect step to the realm itself, guided by the blessings and sages of the Primordial Powers of the world.   It is currently unknown when the first discovery of the elves was or to what event would take place during that time. Only that men would settle into the new lands buildings great kingdoms unseen by the lands to the west of the Endless Sea while the Elves would keep to themselves, only appearing to the realm of men in times of trouble to offer their ageless wisdom and guidance. In time Elves became synonymous with unbroken peace, their appearance as a omen of salvation. At least until the Forming of The Eternal Court...   Grendina is the broad term humans use for the area that Elves control, such as The Elder Vale and their capital city, Grend'fia.  


  Elves of the Sunless Realm worship and celebrate Primordial Forces and Elements of the world.   Ingnadol Primordial of Flame - Cleansing, Passion   Mervah Primordial of Earth - Flora and Homeland   Aeris Primordial of Air - Prophecy and music   Cyolaia Primordial of Water - Protection, Life


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