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Empyereus, God of Zeal

Within all the Realms, Followers of Empyereus have sought the elimination of the Hell's influence on the material world. Sin, Debauchery, Immortal acts, and above all else the Arcane.    

Divine Domains

  Empyereus' domain and influence is within holy wars, righteous conviction against evil.  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  Empyereus' Holy Symbol is a steel helmet surrounded by a ring of radiance.  

Tenets of Faith

  Bring the Dawn. Destroy evil and inspire the good to do the same.   Expose Corruption. Actively seek out the enemy, never become passive to its threats.   Full Measures. Take actions to insure long term or permanent removal of evil.   Self Conviction. Your conviction must be made of iron, lest you become corrupted and destroyed.


  The oldest scrolls tell tale of the origin of Empyereus' zeal, Far before the age of men Empyereus marched a crusade against the Fiends of Hell. Aided in this quest by his most trusted ally, his brother Rhaymeus the first God of Justice, the duo put the Hells to the sword in their radiant charge. Through Empyereus, victory brought an endless dawn to the cosmos, though in secret dark whispers led Rhaymeus to grow bitter and envious of Empyereus's deeds and might.      During a battle Rhaymeus was tempted from a yielded fiend to use the power of the Hells against them, in his vulnerable state he agreed to a deal to spare the fiend in exchange for knowledge of arcane arts. With his new found strength he rivaled Empyereus' might and slew many demons and devils. This might slowly corrupted Rhaymeus, who would strike against Empyereus to prove he was superior. After a century, their duel was finished, with Empyereus, though greatly injured, was the victor. He would slay his brother and would vow vengeance against the Archfiends who corrupted him.

"The Rightous Dawn Never Sets"


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