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Half-Orcs of the Sunless Realms

Along the western edge of the western continent is a mountainous badlands called the Icefire Barrens.   The orcs within Icefire Barrens are often at war with one another and the neighboring human nations for territory and seemingly as a culture. Among the clans, Clan Rodu’min, became so large that their leader sought to make it a nation, though they lacked many infrastructure and orcs to fill those roles, they had lots of warriors but not many workers. His solution was to offer bands of his warriors to nations as mercenaries in exchange for slaves/workers. Which many nations were more than happy to trade criminals and prisoners for warriors.   It gets muddy in the timeline who was the first to crossbreed, with human workers at home and orc warriors abroad led to many instances of Half-orcs being born, some in better light than others but far more often it’s not from love. Humans and orcs are not fully compatible as it is far too common that the human mother would die during child birth. Within the clan half orcs are seen as weak for not being full orcs and outside the clan they are seen as monsters. Many half orcs turn to crime working as hired muscle and many leave their nation of birth, while many more kept them in service. Irathiel was the first nation to abolish slavery and often took in many runaway Half-orcs giving them the opportunity to pursue other avenues in life aside mercenary or servant work. Many Half-orcs would turn to the Higher Pantheon, casting aside the orcish traditional belief of the ancestral spirits.  

Class Restriction

  Additionally there are rarely spell casting half-orcs, as such if you wish to be a spell casting orc, roll a d6 on character creation, if it is a 5-6 then you may make them a spell caster.


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