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Tal'Aura, Goddess of Mercy and Healing

"While not the most powerful god among the lawful gods, few among them have as many pleading prays dedicated to her. Its not so hard to see why though when you are at the end of a rope."  


    Tal'Aura is the goddess of healing, medicine, and mercy.   The majority of Tal'Aura's followers are female though it isn't unheard of to see male devotees.   Clerics of Tal'Aura are often Life Domains and Paladins are often Oath of Redemption and Devotion. Not all who worship Tal'Aura are blessed with divine ability, many humble doctors and medics worship her.  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  Symbols of Tal'Aura often include imagery of water and the heart. Her central image is that of soothing waters forming a clear heart.  

Tenets Of Faith

  Soothe The Weary. Provide protection and comfort to all who seek it within the best of your ability.   Redemption never ceases. Those who seek out atonement in earnest must be granted forgiveness no matter how many times they fall.   Cleanse Impurity. Disease weakens the mind and body and must be prevented at all costs.   Seek Conflicts End. Avoid violence as much as possible and should it come to pass, seek out its swift end.  


  Tal'Aura has been with the mortal races for as far as the scrolls of time stretch for. For so long as conflict and suffering exist she will be there to nurse those that suffer from it. When Empyereus was gravely wounded from his battle with his brother Rhaymeus, it was Tal'Aura who helped heal the injured god. From these accounts there are many who attribute Tal'Aura as Empyereus' wife, though many others believe that do to her close nature with Va'leha, The Goddess of Heroism, That they are Wives with one another.
Alternative Names
The Clear Heart


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