BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


You spent a lot more time in schools and academic environments than your peers. Perhaps you lived at a boarding school, or someone in your family worked at a college or university. You're inclined to be a bit more bookish and to know your way around academic institutions.
AcademicMiddle Class
Abililty+1 Intelligence
FocusIntelligence Focuses (choose one)
TalentKnowledge or Linguistics
Academic Benefits
2+1 Communication
3-4Focus:Intelligence Focuses (Research)
5+2 Income
6Focus:Intelligence Focuses (History)
7-8+1 Perception
9Focus:Willpower Focuses (Self-Discipline)
10-11Focus:Intelligence Focuses (Choose one)
12+1 Willpower


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