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Aboleths are an aquatic race resembling large eels known for their malevolent, psionic abilities.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

All aboleths are hermaphrodites. Reproduction between two aboleths is an extremely secretive affair, not seen by outsiders.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Due to their alien minds and generation-spanning memory, aboleth society is alien to nearly all other surface and aquatic races. Most aboleths are solitary creatures, but groups of aboleths have been known to form collective communities to further theri greater goals or to defend themself from their ancient enemies, such as the triton.   Aboleths are almost never religious, as their ego and sense of racial superiority often stands in the way of possible devotion. Aboleths that do dedicate themselves to a higher diety are shunned by other aboleths and viewed as deviant.

Average Intelligence

Aboleth have near perfect memories and are able to pull seamlessly from the memories of all of their genetic ancestors. Aboleths can also expand their knowledge by consuming the intellect of other creatures, adding their memories to its own.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aboleths possess powerful psionic abilities with an innate understanding of how to use their powers. With their powers, aboleth can create webs of loyal followers, maintaining their thralls' higher functions while imbuing them with an undying sense of loyalty.   Beyond their psionics, aboleths also have a more pwoerful tool of domination at their disposal. Creatures that come into contact with a special mucus that aboleth can secrete at will undergo a terrifying transformation into skum. These creatures became far more powerful and deformed but lose their higher thinking, becoming devoutly, obedient slaves to their master aboleth.
Indefinite until killed by violence or disease
Average Weight
6,500 lb.
Average Length
20 ft.
Geographic Distribution


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