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The Triton are an aquatic, militant species that are native to both the Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Water. While independent triton and societies exist, the majority exist under and serve in a military-based society that exists to oppose the ancient enemies of the triton, such as the sahuagin and aboleths. On Toril, that government is the Triton Praetorium.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

For tritons, last names are of the utmost import. When a triton performs a heroic act, winning a great battle, slaying a great many enemies, or performing a similar act of valor, the Maluhada are informed by the Great Conch, which stores all the memories and shared experiences of the triton people. The Maluhada then recognize the heroic Triton and bestow upon them a last name, which generally is indicative of the deed performed (such as Lorna indicating the triton was the hero of the Battle of Lorna Trench), which replaces their old name if they already had one. Additionally, that last name is shared with the triton's spouse and their descendants.   Because the Great Conch is capable of sensing the actions of all triton, last names are also rewarded posthumously, even if there were no witnesses, as the triton faith in the conch's correctness is absolute.   This tradition also means that triton generally favor newer families over established ones, as an ancient last name is a sign that a family has not performed any great actions of note. As this process has existed for centuries, Triton with no last name are rare but not unheard of and are generally looked down upon by their peers, even if there is no legal enforced discrimination.

Major Organizations

The Maluhada

Even triton unconnected with the dominating governments of either the Material Plane or Elemental Plane of Water have at least some revereance for the the Maluhada. The Maluhada (literally "conch speakers" in Aquan), advise the leaders of the various triton governments but do not rule directly. Despite their lack of governing power, however, their importance in triton society could not be understated, as they are the tritons charged with and capable of communing with the Great Conch, the defining item of the triton mythos which connects the minds and souls of all living and dead tritons.   The Maluhada exist in a pocket dimension between the Material and Elemental Plane of Water, granting them protection from and equal access to both. While members of the Maluhada do not fight, it is believed that their warriors and defenders are among the most dangerous of all tritons, as their one purpose is to protect the conch, and they do so with the accumulated knowledge and skills of their peope.   The Maluhada is led by three elders. The Elder of the Past maintains the conch physically and is charged with recieving its visions and understanding the full history of the triton people. The Elder of the Present is the face of the Maluhada, serving as the group's representative to the greater triton governments when necessary and sharing the Maluhada and the conch's wisdom and advice, which is taken seriously. The Elder of the Future is responsible for the recruitment of new members of the Maluhada and is charged with the bestowing of last names, the greatest honor a triton can recieve.  

The Triton Praetorium

The Triton Praetorium is primary triton government on Toril. Due to the large number of aquatic monsters and other dangerous species on the planet, the praetorium is a military government, and all triton are expected to serve in the military in some capacity for a set amount of time upon reaching adulthood. Because of this focus on military discipline, triton within the praetorium often make use of arranged marriages. While not an expectation, many families find them convenient due to military life taking so much of one's time and and increasing the odds of having intelligent and fit children.   The praetorium rarely interacts with surface dwellers. The tritons of the praetorium view the surface dwellers as useless in underwater combat and for failing to understanding the true dangers of the ocean, while surface folk see the tritons as haughty as they mention great battles and wars that supposedly have saved the planet multiple times from destruction that surface dwellers have never heard of.
200 years
Average Height
5 ft.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blue with various tints ranging from silver to green
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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