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Disco is a genre of dance music that emerged in Elturel in the 1470s. Its sound it typified by Thaumaturgy enhanced stringed, brass, and horn instruments, as well as the piano.   It is named after both its creator, Discus Dancebright, and the disco balls he invented.  


"Following the birth of the Companion, which appeared over Elturel, saving its people from enslavement at the hands of vampires, the city's inhabitants rejoiced as they never had before. Instantly, the Companion became a new symbol for the city, representing new hopes, dreams, and aspirations. To commemorate their glowing saviour, Elturians began decorating their homes with replicas of the Companion.   These so-called "little companions" were often crude. While the richest could afford to magically enchant theirs to allows exude light, the rest of the city's denizens instead took to decorating their "little companions" with reflective mirrors. These replicas would then hang in the middle of Elturian living rooms, as the Companion hangs in the middle of the city.   It was a gnome resident of the Dock District, Discus Dancebright, that first thought of having the little companions spin. And of course, there was a new dancing style he was developing..."  
-An excerpt from Disco Inferno: The Craze That Shook Avernus
  In 1447, the Companion, a massive articial sun, appeared over Elturel, ending the Reign of Vampires. Due to the Companion's role in ending the undead threat, and because of manipulation of the Cult of Zariel, the true force behind the its creation, Elturians began honoring and lightly worshipping the Companion in their every day life.   By the 1470s, unity prayers and tributes were common Elturian practices, and some had taken to putting small representations of the Companion inside their houses, using mirrors to make it appear as if they were giving off light. These little companions then inspired a gnomish dock worker, named Discus Dancebright, as he had ideas on how to make them both spin and also compliment a new genre of music he was working on in his spare time.   Soon, rotating versions of the little companions, called Discus Balls and later disco balls, became a small craze in Elturel. Using his invention as an in, Discus then marketed his own style of dance, which paired perfectly with the light patterns created by his disco balls. Because of the difficulties of playing disco music by oneself, disco halls become popular gathering spots for Elturians, where live music would underscore throngs of Elturians dancing and celebrating in honor of the Companion.   Disco began losing popularity throughout the 1480s and into the 1490s, though there were still those that enjoyed it, as it began to become overly associated with the generation that popularized it and was subsequently rejected by their children. Following the Damnation of Elturel, disco music was all but shunned in Elturel, as were all things associated with the Companion, now openly understood to be infernal in origin, leading to the Elturian phrase "deader than disco" to refer to something that is firmly never coming back.   However, Elturel's temprorary relocation to Avernus allowed the devils of the Nine Hells to experience disco for the first time, and many of them greatly enjoyed it, leading to a revitalization of disco among the Blood Legions.
Music Genre


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