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Grenodo (Gren-oh-doh) is a rare and addictive plant grown on Stormbreak Island.

Basic Information


Grenodo in its plant form looks like a type of poppy, with bright red or orange petals. When the petals are ground, the resulting power takes on a brown hue.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes up to ninety days for a Grenodo seed to fully bloom from a seed to a flower. The initial plant is nothing more than a few leaves sticking out of the ground, resembling a clover. Around day 45, when the plant's roots have firmly taken hold, it begins to grow out of the ground slowly. The unfurling of its petals are an indicator that the plant has reached maturity.

Ecology and Habitats

Grenodo is an exceptionally hardy plant, able to grow on the sheer rocky hills of Stormbreak Island. It's roots sink deep into the earth, allowing it to remain in place when facing even the toughest storms.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

As a plant, Grenodo is fairly uninteresting. However, when ground into a powder and inhaled, the plant will cause a humanoid to aggressively and compulsively focus on its current task, potentially to the determent of itself and others. It has been recorded that students have been caught using Grenodo to enhance their studying capability, but that many of them, in their aggressive compulsion, had forgotten to eat or drink during their high.   As its dangers are well known to the local community, Stormbreakers rarely tell outsiders about the plant's drug-like properties.
Geographic Distribution


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