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Tori Miursa

Tori Miursa

Tori Miursa is a retired Hellrider, the mother of Alcor Miursa, the current High Rider of Elturel, and the grandmother of Arcus Miursa, one of the heroes of the Damnation of Elturel.  


  Tori Miursa was born in Elturel in 1429, the next in a long line of Hellriders. Like most of the Miursa family, Tori joined the Hellriders when she came of age.   In 1447, when Tori was 18, High Rider Klav Ikaia revealed himself to be a vampire, leading to the brutal Reign of Vampires. Tori was among the scores of Hellriders attempting to stop the vampiric coup, earning herself distinction in the fighting.   The year after the Reign of Vampires, Tori gave birth to Alcor Miursa, her only child, raising him while continuing to serve in Elturel's armed forces. Alcor followed in his mother's footsteps and joined the Hellriders in 1466.   That same year, Alcor was assigned to protect the village of Triel, which only recently had been inducted into the burgeoning nation of Elturgard. Wishing to move somewhere more peaceful, Tori offered to accompany her son and mentor him.   While in Triel, Alcor met and married his wife Callista, and the couple had two children: Kaiden in 1469 and Arcus in 1472.   In 1478, Arcus fell victim to a curse by the hag Zilly Redwood, who lived in the woods near Triel and to whom Arcus mistakingly traded his voice, rendering him mute. The Miursas tried everything they could to break the curse, even taking Arcus to Elturel to try and take advantage of the city's increased resources, but nothing worked. However, knowing that Elturel had a small mute community and believing that a change of scenary would do Arcus good, the Callista and Alcor took their children and relocated to Elturel permenately. Tori opted to stay in Triel, however, having grown fond of the village and planning to retire there.   While the rest of the family lived in Elturel, Tori finished out her years of service to the Hellriders and retired from active service. To keep herself busy, Tori opened an inn and tavern in Triel, called Inn and Out, which specialized in steamed ham in a bun. Tori also made the occasional visit to Elturel to see her family, and they occasionally visited her in kind, visits which increased shortly after Callista mysteriously disappeared in 1491, unknowingly captured by the hag Zilly.   In 1497, when Elturel was presumed destroyed during its damnation, Tori grieved for her presumably dead family. As Elturgard as a nation began falling apart and the forces of Najara made raids into Elturgardian lands, Tori helped organize the defenses of Triel, though she left fighting to those younger than her. Later that year, Arcus and his companions in the Lost Star Detectives appeared outside of Triel, summoned by Zilly Redwood inadvertenly while attempting to save Elturel. The heroes managed to fill Tori in on the state of Elturel and rescued Callista from Zilly, leaving her with Zilly while they returned to Hell.   Following Elturel's salvation, Tori remained living in Triel, even as it became an independent village under the influence of the other formerly Elturgardian city-states.   In the first decade of the 16th century, Necian Arrzen, one of the Heroes of Saltmarsh, met Tori while traveling Northwest Faerun on a self-imposed exile. Tori managed to break Necian's funk, convincing him that he should use his powers to help people, and Necian used the Inn and Out as the planning base for his heist to free slaves in the City of Brass.
Year of Birth
1429 CR 69 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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