Carp Alderleaf

Qelline's son, Carp, knows secret ways around the town and can lead players to interesting sites.   Carp is a young boy who lives in Phandalin and plays a small but potentially interesting role in the story.   Appearance and Personality: Carp is described as a spirited and curious halfling child, likely pre-adolescent in age. He has the typical halfling features: small in stature, with a friendly face and an inquisitive nature.   Background: Carp is the son of Qelline Alderleaf, a local halfling farmer in Phandalin. He lives with his mother on the Alderleaf Farm, a modest but well-tended farmstead in the town.   Interaction with the Party: Carp might approach the characters out of curiosity, especially if they appear to be adventurers, and share his discovery of the secret tunnel, viewing it as an exciting adventure tale. His innocence and enthusiasm can endear him to the player characters and provide them with a different perspective on the events happening in Phandalin.
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