Alderleaf Farm

The farm likely consists of a quaint, well-maintained farmhouse surrounded by fields and a vegetable garden. There is a barn or stable for animals, and a small orchard or a few fruit trees. Qelline Alderleaf is a kind, wise halfling woman known for her friendly demeanor and willingness to help others. She is a widow and a dedicated mother to her young son, Carp.   Music: Orchard Ambiance

Purpose / Function

The primary purpose of Alderleaf Farm is agricultural production, likely including crops and possibly some livestock. The farm contributes to the local economy of Phandalin by providing food and possibly other agricultural products.


Over time, the farm may have seen alterations like expansions to the farmhouse or improvements to the fields and animal pens, depending on the needs of the Alderleaf family. The layout and structures on the farm would be adapted to suit the agricultural activities undertaken by Qelline Alderleaf and her family.


The farmhouse is likely a simple, cozy structure, characteristic of halfling architecture – comfortable, welcoming, and practical. Besides the main house, there could be a barn, stables, and storage sheds, constructed in a functional style to support farming operations.


As a farm, it would have basic security like locks on doors and perhaps a fence around the property, but nothing elaborate. For protection, the farm would likely rely on the broader community of Phandalin, particularly in times of danger.


The farm might have been in Qelline Alderleaf's family for generations, passed down and maintained over the years. Its history could reflect the struggles and growth of Phandalin, surviving through various challenges faced by the town.


Alderleaf Farm is not a tourist destination; it's a functional, private residence and farm. While not attracting tourists, the farm might interest adventurers as a place to gather information or as a starting point for quests, especially those involving Carp's explorations.
Founding Date
1470 DR
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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